A Plea From the Alliance:

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Cornelia's words clung in Byleth's mind, could it truly be?

Lady Patricia... Could she really have caused such a tragedy to commence just to see her daughter once again?

But... It didn't make sense.

There was no word of Patricia being in the Empire... Why would she have caused such a tragedy then not have even gone to be with her daughter? It jut didn't add up.

Then again... Maybe she just couldn't live with the guilt of what she did.

Byleth wasn't certain.

Also, there was the chance that Cornelia was just lying.

She wouldn't put it past the mage in her final moments of life to find a way to terrorize Dimitri one last time.


"Your Highness" Gilbert's voice called out, pulling the Prince from his reverie.

The Prince pulled his lance out of the mage and turned to face him, "What is it Gilbert?" Dimitri questioned.

The knight was silent for a moment, "The citizens of Faerghus have gathered... They wish to see their King'' he declared.

Dimitri's eye widened, "They... Wish to see a monster such as I" he said in a small voice "Blood stained as I am... No... I do not have the right to stand before them" he said firmly "The people of Faerghus are deserving of far better".

"They have chosen you Your Highness" Gilbert replied "Follow me" he added and turned around and began leading the way till they reached a balcony.

The cheers from the citizens were loud. They were happy for their Prince's return.

Dimitri was hesitating, "Gilbert... Are you sure?" he asked quietly.

An amused smile fell over the Knight's face, "The spectacle before you does not lie, Your Highness" he replied then looked to Byleth "With that said, they are also celebrating the return of their Queen as well" he said "It would do the people well to see you both, together" he added.


Dimitri's gaze was on her and he slowly extended his hand out to her, "Shall we?" he said in a low voice.

She was hesitant... But... Byleth sighed and grabbed his hand and nodded softly to the Prince.

He brushed his thumb over her knuckle lightly then pulled her along beside him as he walked to the edge of the balcony.

The cheers were louder as they came into view. "You did good Dimitri" Byleth said softly as they looked down at the Faerghus citizens.

A small smile grew on his lips, "Thank you Byleth... Hearing you say that brings me more joy than you know" he replied and his grip on her hand tightened. "Faerghus... Oh how I've missed you" he said softly.

Despite everything deep down Dimitri missed his home.

Byleth was glad he came to their aid sooner rather than later. She has faith that he will make a good King when the time comes.


She didn't anticipate that they would be celebrating liberating Fhirdiad from Cornelia but before she knew it a celebration began.

Wines and beers were brought up from the cellars and the soldiers and everyone who fought was in the dining room celebrating with alcohol and food, but mainly the booze.

Byleth watched as she saw Flayn stumble slightly as she walked, oh Goddess she would be in for it if Uncle found out she drank anything.

Luckily for Flayn, a red tint fell over Uncle's cheeks. He looked far too wasted to be able to tell that Flayn was slightly tipsy.

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