The End of the Adrestrian Empire:

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It's eerily silent as they enter the Palace.

Byleth had expected the clashes of war to be full blown when they entered, so it was a surprise that they weren't immediately ambushed upon their entrance.

That however did not mean that they were safe by any means.

There were still going to be Edelgard's soldiers in there, if anything it meant they would be more compacted together, making it harder to get through-

Something came crashing down striking Sylvain, he looked shocked as he took the hit and brushed himself off. "Where the hell did that spell come from?" he said and looked around for any mage.

There were none in the entrance hall.

That was... Odd to say the least.

"Perhaps a Ballista?" Ingrid suggested "We should proceed with caution" she added.

Yes. They should.

They would eventually split their armies' forces and take separate sides of the Palace. Dimitri led some of their allies and soldiers alike down the left side, while Byleth took the right.

It led them first to the Palaces which had assassins, dark mages, and a Demonic Beast lying in wait for them. "That mage..." Ingrid called out and pointed to the one in black robes "They don't look to be from the Empire" she murmured.


That was true... Byleth had never really thought about it much as they had fought before.

Either way it didn't matter.

So long as the mage crumpled to the floor by the time their fight was over, it wouldn't matter.

"Let's be sure to stop them then" Byleth replied as she swung her blade at the first wave of assassins that came for them.

The mage just lingered towards the back of the gardens and let the others do the work. If they were an ally to the Empire... They didn't seem to care whether or not they won or lost, otherwise they would have been taking more initiative in the battle.

Byleth supposed it didn't matter though, it only made things easier for her and the others as they fought the Demonic Beast and Imperial soldiers.

She wasn't the one to fight the mage. Bernadetta had bombarded him with arrows and he immediately retreated after a hit. And fortunately, enough all of the other mages who wore black robes left as well.

Byleth didn't understand why... But there were less people to fight so she wasn't going to question it.

"Ugh, more Demonic Beasts?" Sylvain groaned out as they entered back into the Palace.

She frowned and shook her head at him, "Just be glad those mages are gone" she replied.

"Well yeah, but it'd be nice if Edelgard just like you know surrendered? And we don't have to fight" Sylvain replied.

Ingrid frowned at the red- head "Sylvain since Felix isn't here to say it I will, you're a moron" she sighed "Just shut up and help us take this down" she added then lunged at the beast.

Sylvain groaned "Yeah, yeah" he muttered then followed her lead and began attacking the beast.

Soon enough a loud cry came from the beast and it collapsed to the floor.

Unfortunately, that did nothing to deter the Imperial soldiers in the room. They came at them one after another until there were no more.

Sylvain was doubled over while catching his breath, "Well Byleth, what way now?" he asked.

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