The Calamity at Remire Village:

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"You knew didn't you Sothis?" Byleth questioned as she got ready for bed.

The girl hummed inconspicuously, "Of course I did" she replied "I know your heart as though it were my own" she added.

Byleth let out a huff of annoyance, "Yeah, alright" she murmured "Some heads up would have been nice".

Sothis chuckled, "I figured it wouldn't have taken you this long to realize it" she laughed.

Byleth sighed, "I'm glad you find this amusing Sothis" she said sternly.

Sothis groaned, "Oh come on this works in your favor" she replied, "You marry the Prince, and everything goes as it should" she hummed "You are just being dramatic" she sighed.


"You don't think it's a bit... Weird?" she asked.

"That you may love your future Husband?" Sothis huffed "Oh yes, so completely weird" she teased.

Yeah... Maybe she was over thinking it at this point. "Thank you Sothis" Byleth murmured.

The girl laughed, "Yeah, yeah. You know you would be helpless without me" she sighed dramatically.

"Is that right?" Byleth chuckled and shook her head "In any case you're probably right" she sighed and laid down for bed.


"Hey there Kid".

Byleth turned swiftly in her tracks, "Hello Father" she greeted with a small smile "I am glad to see that you are back safely" she said.

Jeralt nodded and chuckled, "I'm glad for that too" he replied "I got in late last night, have you heard the news yet?" he asked.

"About Remire?" Byleth asked.

"Yes" Jeralt said with a nod of his head, "Shamir got back a couple of hours ago, I thought it best to give her a reprieve of time before we bombard her with questions" he said "But now that you are awake let's go and find out what's going on" he concluded and began walking down the halls of the monastery.

Byleth followed after him till they reached the infirmary, inside where Professor Manuela and Shamir were talking.

"Captain Jeralt, Lady Byleth to what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?" Manuela asked.

Jeralt nodded, "We came to speak with Shamir" he replied "About what is going on at Remire" he added.

"Ah, I see" Manuela said "Shamir came to me to get my input on it, would you care to tell them?" she asked Shamir.

The short haired woman grunted, "Yeah, the villagers there are acting odd" she began "We aren't sure why there are, it may be magic, but we aren't certain yet" she added.

Byleth furrowed her eyebrows, "How is it that they are acting weird?" she asked.

Shamir was silent for a moment, "They are... Violent" she replied, "I have no clue why, but they'll attack other villagers and start fires" she sighed "So far we have been able to contain it, and keep relative peace, but those who are ill are growing in number more and more by the day" she concluded.

"Is there anything we can do?" Byleth asked.

Shamir shook her head, "Not at the moment, we just have to wait and see how things play out" she said.

Jeralt sighed, "Alright" he murmured "I'll begin making preparations for when we leave then" he said then looked to Byleth "Come on Kid" he said then left from the infirmary and led to his office.

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