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They're going to die.

Dimitri is going to be executed... And Byleth... Who knows what Edelgard is going to do to her, the best-case scenario is that she would simply be executed.

But the Emperor... Who knows what she is planning.

Dimitri has been asleep for a couple of hours, Byleth isn't certain if it is due to his injuries or because Cornelia drugged him but... She isn't certain she wishes to know. The bandages that cover his right eye have turned red. It doesn't look good.

Poor Dimitri, how could she do this to him.

Wait. A thought just occurred to her, there was no way that Dimitri would confess to killing his Uncle.

They may have been at odds with one another often, but he would never do that to his Uncle.

If she didn't get a confession from him... Then what was the point of this...

They... They never really had a chance to get out of here, did they?

She has the infinite power of the Goddess and yet she feels so helpless. The power to rewind time, stifled by whatever the hell Cornelia has this cell made of. She has no weapon, and Dimitri... Goddess poor Dimitri.

Her beloved Dimitri.

How the hell was she going to get them out of this mess.

Byleth sat in silence trying to think of something, anything. "Sothis..." she whimpered and put her face into her palms "What do I do?" she choked out.


That was expected.

She sighed then climbed on the cot and laid with Dimitri, His sweat and blood made his golden hair cling to his forehead.

Would this... Truly be the last time she saw him? They'd just been reunited, and now... Now Cornelia is going to drag them apart and there is nothing she can do to stop it.


It's dark when she wakes up, Dimitri's arms are wrapped around her and his breathing isn't shallow as it was before. "Dimitri?" Byleth murmured "Are you awake?" she asked.

For a moment she thought he was still unconscious, "You were shivering" he said in a raspy voice then paused for a moment, "She didn't... Hurt you, right?" Dimitri questioned.

"No Dimitri, she didn't" Byleth said then rose her hands and cupped his face, "What did she do to you... Are you alright Dimitri?" she asked softly.

Dimitri was silent for a moment, "I... She damaged my eye".

Cornelia... How could she do this?!

Byleth's thumb softly stroked his cheek underneath his damaged eye, "I wish I could heal you Dimitri" she said, warm tears pricked at her eyes "I'm so sorry".

Dimitri let out a grunt, "Having you with me brings me more comfort than your magic could have" he retorted.

She frowned, "Dimitri, this is serious" she said sternly "We might not..." she began but trailed off.

His arms tightened around her, "I know" he murmured then fell silent for a moment "Byleth... I love you dearly" he said softly.

Byleth's eyes widened, "I love you too Dimitri" she confessed.

Dimitri was silent for a moment then pressed a kiss to her forehead.

They'd both fought countless battles, and yet they were unable to emerge victorious from this.

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