Garreg Mach:

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Grandmother had been silent for most of the trip back to Garreg Mach, they once again stayed in the territories of nobles for the night and then left early in the morning.

They were none of real significance, but had they not gone, Byleth was certain they would have gone to the monastery and preached how they were disregarded without a thought. Grandmother was simply saving them the earache later on.

Byleth didn't quite understand why it was that they would take offense to it, but Grandmother was insistent on it being true.

So Byleth didn't question it.

Her Father rode alongside the Knights of Seiros in the front.

Which made sense now that she thought about it, he was the captain after all.

Him being here now made her a bit nervous, while Byleth wanted to know her Father she couldn't help but get the feeling that Grandmother wasn't exactly thrilled about Jeralt being there.

They were drawing closer to the monastery, "Grandmother" Byleth called out and looked to Lady Rhea. "There's been something I have been meaning to ask you".

Lady Rhea tilted her head in confusion, "What is it dear child?" she asked.

"I was wondering if you would be able to do lessons with me on magic?" Byleth asked.

Rhea smiled, "Of course child" she said and paused for a moment "Why the sudden interest?" she asked.

Byleth sighed, "I can't help but feel that I could have helped with the Queen" she said "I had training, I know how to heal I'm just... Not strong enough".

Grandmother was silent for a moment, "Dear... There was nothing that anyone could have done to prevent the Queen's death" she said softly "It was her time to pass, but I do think that is a good reason to improve your magic skill" she said "You may not have been able to save the Queen but, you can still save others".

Byleth nodded, "I know" she said.

She understood it, that death was something inevitable for every being, but she had never seen firsthand how it could impact a person.

It was terrifying to some degree.

Grandmother smiled, "Then of course I will teach you Byleth" she said.


Byleth missed Garreg Mach.

There was a nice chill to the weather nowhere near as intense as a chill in Faerghus.

It was perfect.


She looked up from the desert that was in front of her, "I have been searching all over for you" Flayn huffed out and took the seat across from Byleth "Although to be fair I should have guessed that this is where you would be" she sighed "Sorry we weren't at the gate the priests and nuns have been... Consuming most of our time since you both left" she added.

Oh, goddess did Byleth feel her pain.

"Yes, they can be a bit... Overbearing at times" Byleth said.

Flayn laughed, "I was thinking obnoxious, but I suppose it should be framed in the nicest way possible" she said and watched as Byleth was eating her sweet bun trio.

Byleth looked up to her, "Would you like one?" she asked.

Flayn shook her head, "No, I've just missed you is all" she said with a smile on her face.

Byleth smiled softly, "I missed you too" she murmured.

Flayn giggled, "Good" she said happily "Now tell me! How was it in Faerghus?" she asked.

"Cold" Byleth replied and bit into the bread.

Flayn groaned, "I know that" she said sternly "What did you do? How was the King?" she asked "Were there any activities you did or any stories you heard?" she interrogated.

"That's a lot of questions," Byleth said.

Flayn frowned, "Your impossible sometimes Byleth" she sighed and paused for a moment "Ok, were there any activities that you did there?" she asked.

Byleth shook her head, "Aside from sparing and wandering the castle aimlessly, no" she said.

Flayn groaned, "Byleth this was your opportunity to learn more about their customs or traditions" she said loudly "How could you waste it!".

"Their traditions probably involve hunting" Byleth retorted "I don't really see Faerghus to have events like we do" she added.

Flayn was silent for a moment, "I suppose you're right" she mumbled, "But that's not the point" she said sternly.

Byleth sighed, "You know this is perfect fishing weather" she said, changing the subject.

Flayn's eyes lit up and she shook her head, "No, that won't work" she said.

Byleth wasn't convinced.

She nodded, "You're right" Byleth murmured "I guess we'll just let all of the knight's take all of the Teutates Pike then I suppose" she sighed.

Flayn broke.

Flayn stood up from the table, "Come on" she said sternly "But this conversation isn't over" she added.

It was.

Byleth was certain that the chances of Flayn scolding her over this again were impossible, especially once there is a cooked fish in front of her.


Things began to go back to normal.

Byleth was given a few days to get rest from their travels but once that passed, she was thrown back to the wolves.

Expected to lead hymns in the cathedral, teach children she was only a few years older than, about the teachings of the Church of Seiros, and worst of all.

Her own lessons with Uncle Seteth.

She normally didn't mind them but... He's had her making up for the lost time, Uncle even mentioned bringing in a private tutor to take over her schooling, to teach her about the other areas of Fodlan that he is not as familiarized on.

And not to mention that she was also learning magic from Grandmother now.

Although Byleth found it more interesting than not, since Grandmother had decided to focus on teaching her the basics of reason magic before she advances any further with her Faith magic.

It had been going... Fairly well.

There was only one small incident where Byleth had been trying to conjure a fireball and accidently set a tablecloth in Grandmother's room on fire, they moved her lessons outside after that.

And as for her Father...

They hadn't spoken much with one another, she often found herself wondering if he wished to be back in the Kingdom.

After all it seemed as if Jeralt and the King were friends, and to leave during his time of need.

... For all of them to have left so fast it felt wrong, as much as Byleth had wanted to leave from the cold wasteland that is Faerghus she felt bad.

Or maybe it was just guilt?

She didn't really understand, all she knew there was a gnawing feeling in the pit of her stomach that would not relent.

Perhaps she should ask Grandmother to send a letter on her behalf?

Byleth sighed.

She was tired.

But these thoughts kept creeping back into her mind demanding her attention.

Byleth sat up in her bed and into the dark that consumed her room, she should definitely sleep.


She would sleep better knowing she had written a letter to the Prince and King to make sure they were well.

Annoying or not, it was the right thing to do.

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