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A bright smile spread across Grandmother's face, "I am pleased with your class's performance Byleth" she beamed "I expect no less from you. And I am pleased to tell you that the other girl you rescued alongside Flayn is recovering nicely as well" she hummed.

Ah. Right. Byleth had almost forgotten about her, "Who is she Grandmother?" Byleth asked "It looked as though she was a student here" she added.

Grandmother nodded, "Yes... She is however she went missing last year" she began "It was believed that she simply ran away... But it appears that we were wrong" she sighed and shook her head "I just never imagined that this is how we would find her... But I suppose I should be glad that she is alive and well" she concluded.

Byleth was silent for a moment, "And what is going to happen to her?" she asked.

"Monica asked to rejoin the Black Eagles once she recovers" Grandmother replied.

Byleth frowned, "Wouldn't she want to return home?" she questioned "She's been missing for a year, I would imagine that she would want to be with her family after such a traumatic event".

Grandmother was silent for a moment, "I understand what you mean dear, but she insisted that she wished to graduate from the academy" she began "Regardless we must remain vigilant, our enemies they still wander. And so, we must continue our investigation" she sighed and shook her head "We must also help the students move past this incident, hopefully the Battle of the Eagle and Lion can help get their mind off of things" she concluded.

Byleth nodded, "I am certain it will, but there is still over a moon till then" she said "But worry not Grandmother I will train the Blue Lions to be prepared for it" she declared.

Lady Rhea chuckled softly, "I know you will dear child" she hummed "I expect no less".

And with that Byleth took it as her cue to leave.

The Battle of the Eagle and Lion... Like the Mock Battle she had spent years watching it from the sidelines, planning her own course of action should she ever have the opportunity to.

Which she now has.

She walked down the hall of the second floor of the monastery lost in thought over the field that they would be battling on, if they could conquer the hill a victory would be secured.

"Hey there kid" Jeralt's voice cut through her thoughts, and she looked up to see him standing at the doorway to his office. "Can you come in here for a moment? I need to speak with you" he added.

Byleth nodded and followed him into the office, "Is something wrong?" she asked as she took a seat across from her Father.

Her Father shook his head, "No, I just wanted to tell you that I will be leaving on a mission soon" he began "After everything that happened recently, Lady Rhea sent a lot of the knight's out to do some investigating... There have been strange groups coming out lately, like the one we investigated a few moons back in Remire Village".

Byleth was silent for a moment, "I see" she sighed "Perhaps I should ask Uncle Seteth to take over training the Blue Lions and I can accompany you and the other knights?" Byleth suggested.

"Uh, I don't think that's such a great idea kid" Jeralt sighed "After everything that just happened with Flayn, it's best that you stay here" he began "Not to mention that the knights that have been investigating these things... Well, they've been turning up dead" he said bluntly.

Dead... "Why?" Byleth asked.

Her Father shrugged, "Honestly Kid I don't have the faintest idea as to why" he replied, "Perhaps they saw something or were at the wrong place at the wrong time" he began "Either way, I would feel better knowing that you are her instead of being out there. I know Lady Rhea has probably talked this over with you but there are plenty of people who would wish to do you harm. Let's not give them the opportunity to either" he concluded.

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