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The situation in the Kingdom was volatile.

It had been two weeks since Lady Rhea had left for the Kingdom with the Knights of Seiros besides her.

Grandmother had written back as soon as she arrived, Prince Dimitri was in bad condition.

There were burns covering his body that were left unattended to. Grandmother was furious that the physician there, Lady Cornelia hadn't done anything to ease his pain.

She had just left the Prince there to suffer not only the loss of his family but pain of his wounds.

Grandmother said that he was speaking very little, she wasn't sure whether it was due to trauma or damage. However, there was one exception, Grandmother said that he had been speaking to a boy that the Prince had saved.

Amidst the flames that consumed his family... Dimitri had saved the life of a young Duscurian boy.

Byleth couldn't help but feel a bit proud of him for doing that.

The pride never lasted long when she remembered all of the lives lost.

The King...

Lady Patricia...


Grandmother confirmed it, Prince Dimitri had seen him fall himself.

Glenn Fraldarius is dead.

The words echoed through her head at night, tormenting her.

No tears fell for her fallen friend, Glenn he... Wouldn't want that.

Byleth tried to find meaning in it, she found comfort, knowing that it wasn't in vain. His Highness is alive but... Couldn't they have both survived, all of them even?

A rage built up inside her.

He knew the risks, Byleth reminded herself but it did nothing to ease the anger.

She didn't even know who it was directed to, Dimitri? Glenn?

No, they had nothing to do with it, his murderers...

Yes, they will pay.


Another two weeks passes before Grandmother returns with the Knights of Seiros.

Apparently, His Highness did have some other family, although from what Byleth had heard they didn't get along.

Dimitri was mourning the loss of his family, while his Uncle King Regent Rufus was enjoying being in charge.

He was the eldest child of the previous Blaiddyd King but lost the throne because he was born without a crest...

But... That doesn't matter at the moment.

Grandmother and Uncle have been locked in their office going over everything she had learned in the Kingdom about the tragedy, it was rough.

A lot of the nobility began accusing other nobility of being in cahoots with the people who committed regicide.

There was a list of countless names, and there were two that stood out to Byleth.

Cassandra Charon.

And Christophe Gaspard.

Byleth stood outside of the office door waiting, she wanted to know could they really have done it?

How could they betray their homeland in such a way?

Betray Glenn?

Byleth dug her nails into her palm, now wasn't the time to think that way.

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