Garland Moon:

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"Byleth... You are going to have to speak with Lady Rhea sooner or later" Uncle sighed and leaned in his desk chair. "I know the two of you are having a dispute right now, but you mustn't let your pride blind you, Byleth" he added.

Byleth frowned, she hadn't spoken with Grandmother in a few weeks. And she would not be the first one to cave either.

"Easy for you to say, she kept you informed" Byleth said coolly.

Uncle sighed, "Please just think it through Byleth" he said and fell silent a moment "Ashe... He's been very silent in class".

"We are going to kill his adoptive Father, what do you expect?" Byleth retorted and shook her head "I know it's not your fault Uncle, but you could have told me at any time" she sighed.

Seteth was silent for a moment, "I know Byleth but there are still things we want to protect you from" he replied.

Protect her from? Was that really the best excuse he could come up with?

After killing for the church, taking life after life without a thought because they told her to. He wants to say they were protecting her?

Byleth shakes her head, "I'll consider your words" she said then left from his office.


It was a weird time at the monastery.

Tensions were high with the threat of Lord Lonato, once they received more information on the rebellion he started, it was found out to be against the Church.

For Christophe.

However, it was also Garland Moon, and the girls were getting festive.

White flowers littered the floor, from garlands that had fallen apart. And garlands rested a top their head or around their necks.

Young love bloomed around them, the blushing faces of girls as they presented a garland to the one, they adore. The sound of Sylvain getting slapped for the fifth time of the day.

It was a memorable time.

"Oh, come on! You know you're the only one I love" Sylvain shouted out to some girl as she stormed away.

"That was painful to watch," Byleth said.

Sylvain turned around to her, "Yesh, Byleth you didn't have to watch" he said "I don't get it, she didn't care that I was seeing other people before she found out" he said and shook his head.

Byleth furrowed her eyebrows at him, "Before she found out?" she reiterated.

Sylvain nodded, "Yeah! I just don't get it" he said and shook his head then focused on something behind her, "Oh? What's this?" he murmured and walked forward.

Byleth turned around to see what he was talking about.

It was just Dimitri.

With a girl?

"Aww, it looks like His Highness has found himself a Lady friend" Sylvain said proudly and grabbed Byleth's wrist, "Come on let's watch to see how this unfolds" he said and pulled her into a nearby shrub.

Byleth frowned, "Sylvain, this is very intrusive" she said sternly "Not to mention we'll get dirty in here" she added.

Sylvain smiled at her, "You got to be quiet Byleth, I wanna see how this goes" he said and pushed apart some leaves, peering through it.

"You're such a child Sylvain" Byleth scolded "What would Ingrid say if she knew what you were doing" she added.

Sylvain laughed, "That's why it's you in the bush with me and not her" he retorted.

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