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Her body felt heavy.

There was nothing but darkness and a groggy feeling "You fool!" someone shouted.

Was that... Sothis?

A sigh sounded, "You know I really shouldn't be surprised" the voice murmured then fell silent for a moment, "Come on now get up! Your body is awake, now open your eyes and stand up!"

"A few more minutes please, Flayn" Byleth muttered, there is no way it was Sothis.

A loud groan came from the voice, "You have not changed one bit have you, you fool!" the voice yelled "Get up this instance I will Coddle you no further! You're such a child, always needing me to fix your mistakes, get up!".

Her eyelids feel heavy, but she willed them to open, the light was overwhelming, but it was quickly blocked out by something, "Are you alright there?" someone asked.

Byleth was silent for a moment, her eyes were still taking a moment to process everything, how long was she asleep for, "Sothis?" she murmured.

A chuckle sounded from the person, "No, sorry miss" they laughed "If you were seeing the Goddess it seems I got you out of there at just the right time then" they added.

Byleth was able to see a bit better and realized that it was a man crouched down beside her, "Got me out of where?" she asked.

The man pointed off somewhere. She sat up slowly and looked to where he pointed... A river? "I found you there, just floating down the stream," he replied.

Byleth furrowed her eyebrows at the body of water, how... How did this happen... Last thing she remembered was...

She fell off a cliff.

"What river is this?" Byleth asked softly.

"It's the Airmid river," the man replied.

The Airmid River... That was hours away from Garreg Mach.

Byleth sighed then stood up slowly, "I see. Thank you for your help sir" she began "I greatly appreciate it" she added and felt at her hip.

Where is it?

The man must have seen she was looking for it, "Your funny looking blade is still by the shore, I... Didn't want to touch it" he said.

Relief flooded her body, "You have my gratitude" she said "I should get going now" she added and began to walk to the shore to find the Sword of the creator.

"Wait... Are you sure you shouldn't rest for a bit?" The man called out "You nearly drowned moments ago, I'm certain wherever you have to be can wait a bit" he added.

Byleth shook her head, ah. There it is. She grabbed the Sword of the Creator from the shore of the river. "I have to get back to Garreg Mach. Grandmother... Everyone they need my help" Byleth declared and sheathed her blade on her belt.

The man stared at her for a moment, "Uh... You're kidding right?" he said "Garreg Mach has been abandoned for about five years".

"What?" Byleth choked out.

Five years...

Five years?!

No. That can't be.

Byleth narrowed her eyes at the man, "You're wrong, it can't be. I was just there I was just fighting against Edelgard's stupid soldiers" she said sternly and shook her head at the man.

A look of sympathy fell over his face, "You really must have bumped your head, huh kid?" he sighed "Listen I think you should rest for a bit before you go barging in there" he began "There are bandits that have taken over the monastery, wreaking havoc on those who dare go there" he added.

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