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Gray light filters in through the windows of her room. This has to be a first in sometime that she has woken up early of her own volition.

It finally hits her.

Everything that transpired last night... Byleth and Dimitri...

She looks down at her hand, the emerald ring he placed on her finger is still there. It really happened.


How the hell is she going to tell Grandmother. And Flayn will tease her relentlessly over this, she'll never hear the end of it.

Perhaps... She can hold off telling them. At least for now.

Byleth sighs then gets up, it's odd she doesn't feel different but then again what was she expecting?

How was she going to face Dimitri now?

It was one thing when they had discussed their possible betrothal, but this... It confirms everything. Her future and his are entwined till their last breaths.

Goddess how the hell was she going to be the Queen of a country she knows so little about?

That hadn't even crossed her mind before, there is so much wrong with Faerghus... But it's not like the Church is any better. But then again, with their marriage the church must give more aid to Faerghus, and with her as the Archbishop... If she became the Archbishop that is. It would help them no doubt.

Can she even be Archbishop if she became the Queen of Faerghus? Did Byleth even want to be an Archbishop?

There's no use thinking this over at the moment. She gets up and quickly changes then walks down to the dining hall.

"Lady Byleth!" someone shouted.

She stopped in her tracks and saw Alois coming straight for her, "You need to get your class and prepare for combat immediately" he began "I just spoke with Captain Jeralt-"

"My Father is back?" Byleth questioned.

Alois nodded, "Yes... He arrived late last night. I feel bad sending him on a mission so soon, but it is important" he sighed.

"Will do Alois, thank you for the heads up," Byleth replied.

Alois smiled at her, "Of course Lady Byleth!" he beamed "Ah, meet Captain Jeralt at the stables once you are ready" he concluded then took off.

What the heck is going on, she thought that they were just inspecting a chapel? But now they must prepare for battle? This is odd. Byleth sighs then left to gather her class.

Whatever it is, they can face it.


"Father" Byleth calls out.

Jeralt turns around and faces her, "Hey there kid, you got the brats ready?" he asked.

Byleth nods, "Yes, we are ready to go" she replied "But... What exactly is going on?" she asks.

Her Father's eyebrows furrow, "There are demonic beasts near the chapels" he sighed "And there are students who had a bit too much fun at the ball last night and decided to keep things going there that are now trapped" he added.

Byleth stared at him for a moment, "Demonic beasts?" she repeated.

How is that even possible?

Jeralt nods, "Yeah I know" he said, "It's strange, I've never seen anything like this in my whole time as a Knight, but there's a first for everything I suppose" he sighed "In any case, I hope you and the brats are ready to fight".

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