The Heir to House Riegan:

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Everyone was quiet as they traveled beside each other. The other Knight's that had come along with them were heading back to the monastery while Byleth, Alois, and Shamir headed to Derdriu to join Grandmother,

The Prince kept his distance from the others, Byleth watched them as they traveled. She still couldn't wrap her head around why he had behaved in that manner on the battlefield. Could it have something to do with the tragedy? She didn't know much of it aside from the basics, which was that Dimitri was the sole survivor but even so.

To desecrate a corpse of a fallen soldier...

The annoying Prince she knew as children has changed.

And she fears it is not for the better.

Felix refused to go near the Prince. He kept his head down and stared at the floor as they walked.

Truthfully Byleth couldn't blame him.

Dimitri... Concerned her now.

Byleth sighed and rubbed at her face, "Why the long face Byleth?" Alois asked.

"Just tired is all" Byleth said "That battle got kind of ugly" she added.

Alois nodded, "That happens sometimes, but we cannot weaver from the fight" he declared.

Byleth nodded, "I agree" she said.

"We're getting closer to Tailtean Plains" Shamir murmured "The Knights of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus will soon be splitting from us" she added.

"Good" Byleth replied "From then we only have a day till we reach Derdriu, right?" she asked.

Shamir nodded in confirmation.


She couldn't wait.


"Travel safe Your Highness" Alois said to Dimitri as they began to head their separate ways.

Dimitri nodded, "Yes, of course thank you" he said with a small smile on his face "I wish the three of you safe travels as well" he said then looked to Byleth "May I speak with you for a moment, Byleth?".

Byleth tensed a bit then shook her head, "Sorry but we should probably get going already" she replied.

A hurt expression fell on the Prince's face, and Alois patted Byleth on the shoulder. "It's fine Lady Byleth, we'll wait for you over there" he said and pointed off somewhere in the distance "Come on Shamir" he added.

Damn him.

"Byleth?" Dimitri said softly.

Byleth frowned at him.

"I've been thinking about what happened at Kleiman territory" Dimitri began "And I'm sorry, I know that I can't give into those types of feelings" he sighed and shook his head "It's just... The overwhelming desire to get justice for my Father, Stepmother, and Glenn blinded me" he concluded.

Byleth was silent.

She had forgotten that this was personal to him.

Everyone who he cared for died that day, and Kleiman was let off of his sentencing because there wasn't enough evidence he was involved.

"I see" Byleth murmured "I get where you are coming from but that doesn't justify it Your Highness" she said sternly "We have to set examples, think rationally at all times not give into our emotions" she scolded "It's apparent that you still have much to learn".

Dimitri nodded his head and stared at the floor, "Yes... I know" he said.

"Goodbye Your Highness" Byleth said then turned and left to rejoin Alois and Shamir.

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