Imperial Year 1177

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Things began to cool down slightly after those who were convicted of treason against the crown were executed.

But... Things were still not good.

In the Kingdom specifically, things were chaotic, King Regent Rufus Blaiddyd was not popular with the people nor the nobles, Grandmother had said it was due to him being crestless. That a lot of people questioned whether or not he is fit to lead them. Even though it is just temporarily so that Prince Dimitri can first come of age before he claims his right to the throne.

Alongside the nobles that paid with their lives the people of Duscur were believed to have been involved. Although it is said that the Prince has heavily denounced this accusation countless times, especially since he saved a Duscurian child during the tragedy.

But... It didn't matter.

The people wanted someone to blame. It was said that countless Duscurian men and women were slaughtered in retaliation, their children enslaved to work in noble houses as servants. And their lands were annexed from them and given to Viscount Kleiman.

What confused Byleth was why the Viscount was never found guilty, they have been exceptionally hostile since the assassination of the King, and yet...

Ugh. It didn't matter she supposed.

Things at the monastery were well, they had a new Knight join their ranks. It was an older gentleman named Gilbert Pronislav, he looked a bit familiar but... Byleth couldn't put her finger on where she had seen him before, he did seem to know her Father well though.

Byleth sighed and flopped down on her bed, she needed to pack.

She didn't want to but... She needed to.

And to her dismay it wasn't easy casual going on a mission for the Knights of Seiros pack, it was diplomatic. So, she needed to look nice and neat so the church looks good.

It was going to be hell.

And to top it all off it meant going into Faerghus.

Grandmother had been secretive with the purpose of the visit but, they would be going to Gautier territory for maybe a week. Something about the Margrave? Honestly Byleth wasn't sure what it was about, her and Flayn had been guessing about it since they found out about the trip a few days ago. And Uncle was of no help, he refused to divulge any further information about it.

It was driving Byleth insane, it had to be a big deal though. It was said that the Prince and King Regent would be visiting there as well.

Byleth had feared that it may be of her being forced into an engagement with the Prince, but it didn't make sense why the Gautier's would be involved so she had ruled that though out fast.

Despite being worried about the reason for their visit Byleth had to admit she was excited. She had not seen Sylvain since they were children. And she supposed it would be nice to see Miklan again, although she wasn't looking forward to his crusade against crest speeches.

She could live without that.

Byleth had to wonder did Sylvain have to hear the way he speaks of crests all the time?

Poor him if so.

Byleth laid on her bed for a moment longer than began packing her winter clothes.

Goddess it was going to be much colder there than any other part of Faerghus she had been to since Gautier territory was closer to the mountains, it was going to be miserable.


Flayn and Uncle Seteth had seen Byleth and Lady Rhea off at the entrance gate to the monastery, it was decided that Alois and Shamir would be the two Knights escorting them.

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