Western Faerghus Rebellion:

381 13 19

Kleiman territory was drawing closer and closer with every passing minute.

Byleth wasn't sure what to expect when they got there, she hoped. No prayed that Lord Kleiman was a wise man and left his people out of his battle.

"We're almost there, Byleth" Shamir called out.

Byleth nodded, "Do we try to de-escalate the situation before we begin fighting?" she asked.

Shamir was quiet a moment, "I don't know, Lady Rhea made it seem as if that is out of the question. I think it is the Prince's call though" she added.

Byleth looked over at Dimitri, he had a stern look on his face "My Uncle said that we shouldn't negotiate with them" he said "That we need to set an example" he added and paused a moment "However... I would like to try to maybe reason with him".

Felix groaned from beside Dimitri, "Great so we might lose our chance to battle.

Shamir chuckled, "There are plenty other opportunities to fight if this one doesn't happen" she said.

Byleth glanced over at him, he didn't look convinced.

"Lady Byleth" someone called out.

Byleth turned and looked to her caller, it was a soldier in their unit.

"Yes?" She replied.

The man pushed forward a letter, "We received this a few minutes ago for you" he said it comes from Lady Rhea herself".

Byleth frowned, that didn't seem good "Has something happened?" she questioned.

"I don't think so, I'm sure whatever it is about is in the letter" the soldier replied.

Byleth nodded, "Alright thank you" she said, and the soldier turned around promptly and fell alongside the other knights.

"A message from Lady Rhea?" Alois said "It must be urgent" he added.

Byleth frowned "I think if it were urgent it would come from Uncle instead" she murmured "Although this can't be good either" she added then opened the letter and began reading its content.


It's about the House Riegan?

To summarize, Duke Oswald has found his heir to House Riegan, and Byleth needs to get to Derdriu as soon as she is finished with this mission.


She has never been there before, and warm weather sounds pretty nice right now.

"Well?" Shamir asked, "What does it say?".

Byleth folded the letter up and tucked it into her pouch, "House Riegan has found an heir" she said.

Shamir raised an eyebrow at her, "Is that a good thing?" she asked.

Byleth nodded, "Yes, it is" she said "Once we finish up here, we are to go straight to Derdriu" she added.

"That's rather abrupt," Shamir said.

Byleth nodded, "I agree but Grandmother requested it so I must oblige" she said "But think of it this way, we'll have nice sunny weather to look forward to".

"I suppose" Shamir murmured.

"Ah, you three can travel with us as you make your way to Derdriu" Dimitri exclaimed "Of course you trip will be longer than ours but we can keep you company till we reach Fhirdiad" he added.

Byleth was about to refuse but Alois cut her off.

"What an excellent idea, Your Highness!" Alois said loudly

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