The Kings Departure:

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"Grandmother?" Byleth called out, it was nighttime that's as much as she could tell.

Byleth looked around.

Why does this place feel so familiar?

Soon the empty field Byleth is standing in is filled with others, they look like soldiers from a long time ago. There is one who stands above the rest.

"Grandmother?" Byleth calls out squinting at the woman, she is wearing white armor. She resembles her grandmother but there is something else to her that Byleth just can't quite pin down.

"Tell me Nemesis" The woman's voice rang through the air, "Do you remember the red canyon?" she hissed.

The man underneath her never replied.

"You'll die!" she shouted then stabbed him multiple times with the dagger she had hidden.


"Lady Byleth..."

"Lady Byleth"

Byleth opened her eyes, there was a nun hovering above her.

"Yes..." Byleth replied weakly.

"Lady Rhea requested that you be woken up immediately" the nun said, "You will join her at the entrance gates to see the King and his party off" she added.

Byleth sat up and nodded her head, "Alright, I will be there" she said.

The nun proceeded to leave the room.

Byleth let out a sigh of relief, what was that dream about?



Why does that sound so familiar?

Then it clicks, Uncle Seteth taught her about Nemesis during their lessons. Perhaps that is what induced a dream like that?

Well, it mattered not. Byleth got up and quickly got dressed then rushed out to the entrance gate.

"Byleth" Uncle Seteth said sternly as Byleth arrived with windblown hair and a red face. "Please tell me you did not run here from your room?" he questioned sternly.

"I was told to come immediately," Byleth said.

Seteth sighed and shook his head, "Byleth you must be careful" he said in a serious voice.

"Sir Seteth, you must loosen up, she is still a child" A voice called out, Byleth turned to see King Lambert was the person who had spoken up.

Seteth bowed to the King, "Your Majesty" he acknowledged "I am afraid I cannot do that" he said "My job is to care for Byleth so she will lead the Church of Seiros to greatness" he said " So, I will have to agree to disagree with you on this Your Majesty" Seteth concluded.

King Lambert smiled, "Fair enough" he said "As much as I want to believe that I won't, I worry that I might do the same to Dimitri" he sighed.

Dimitri... Who was Dimitri again?

Seteth smiled slightly and shook his head, "We have no choice your Majesty" he said "They are the future of Fodlan, we must raise them right" he added.

The King nodded, "Right you are" he sighed.

"Good morning your Majesty" Grandmother's voice called from behind her.

Lambert smiled at her and bowed slightly, "Your Grace" he said.

Lady Rhea put a hand on Byleth's shoulder, "Dear, your Father will be leaving with the King" she said "Perhaps you would like to say good-bye?" she added.

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