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"Dimitri" Byleth called out softly as she stepped outside of the door. The Prince had already managed to get halfway down the hallway but at her call he stopped immediately in his tracks.


What the hell was she going to say?

Byleth stood there for a moment in silence staring at the back of his head, "You look different" she finally squeaked out.

She cringed a bit, that's it? Out of everything to say she chose to say that?

Goddess she really was hopeless without Sothis.

"Sorry" Byleth sighed "I... I don't really know what to say" she murmured.

Dimitri was silent for a moment, "Follow me" he murmured and began to walk down the hallway once again, Byleth complied and followed after him.

He guided her through the twists and turns of the castle with ease, his long blue cape flapped behind him.

"Have you eaten?" Dimitri called out and stopped in his tracks suddenly,

Byleth was silent for a moment, she appreciated his concern but now seemed hardly the time. "I'm fine Dimitri, I ate earlier today" she replied.

The Prince nodded then kept walking immediately.

It takes her a moment to realize where they are going, Glenn had shown her the way to the Gardens when she came a long time ago.

And sure, enough they reach the heavy wooden oak doors divide the castle from the harsh cold of Fhirdiad. Dimitri pushes them open with ease and looks back at her, "Are you coming?".

Byleth sighs then walks into the gardens, she had hoped they would have stayed indoors. She knows she must adapt to the weather but sti-

A heavy weight falls on her shoulders, and it takes a moment for her to realize that it's his cloak. "Are you sure you wish to part with this?" Byleth asks "It is cold" she added.

The Prince's expression was blank, "You need it more than I do at the moment" he replied.

Byleth was silent for a moment, "I see" she murmured "In that case you have my gratitude".

"There is no need for it," Dimitri replied.

An awkward silence fell over the two of them, Dimitri was observing her intently. "I'm sorry" Byleth finally said in an attempt to get any sort of dialogue from the Prince, but he just kept staring for a while longer.

"You really were asleep, weren't you?" Dimitri questioned. His tone gave nothing away.

Byleth nodded, "Yes, I was" she confirmed, "I know how it sounds Dimitri, but it's the truth" she sighed.

Dimitri was silent for a moment then nodded his head slightly, "I believe you" he responded then crossed his arms "But I must ask... That you don't do that again" he said sternly.

Hurt... She hurt him. His tone gave that away.

"I won't," Byleth replied "I promise you" she added.

The Prince let out a sigh of relief, "Good... In that case I welcome you home".


Garreg Mach is... Or was her home, but she supposed he did have a point. For now, Fhirdiad would be her home, Dimitri... He would be her home. Heat rose to her face, "I'm glad to be back" she murmured, "I'm sorry Dimitri... I really hadn't anticipated that this is how everything would turn out.

Dimitri nodded, "There was nothing you could have done" he said softly "I'm glad that you are here, I was worried that you were taken... By that wrench" His tone changed completely at the mention of Edelgard.

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