The Heir to The Church of Seiros:

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"You will be meeting your Father"

The words rang through Byleth's mind. Her Father? She hadn't even thought of herself of having a Father. Actually, parents in general. She just had her Grandmother and Uncle Seteth... but now, A Father?

How odd.

"Byleth do you understand?" her Grandmother asked, she seemed tenser than usual almost as if she would rather not be having this conversation.

Byleth nodded, "Yes, I understand Grandmother" she said.

There was a forced smile upon her usual poised face, Rhea clasped her hands together "Excellent" she sighed "Do you have any questions my dear?" she asked.

Byleth frowned. Questions? Sure she had questions. "Have I ever met my Father?" she asked.

Rhea didn't make eye contact, but she nodded "Yes" she said "When you were a tiny baby" she added.

Byleth nodded, "Why does he want to meet me now?" she asked.

Her Grandmother sighed, "He has always wanted to meet you, it's just being a knight has kept him busy" she said softly.

Byleth nodded. That made sense. All of the knights she had been around were always busy, but still they had time for themselves. Like Alois for instance, he had quite a bit of free time. He always told Byleth weird jokes that she didn't quite understand and said how they were like siblings.


Are they really siblings?

"Is Alois my Brother?" Byleth asked with a confused look on her face.

Rhea chuckled slightly, "No darling" she said softly "He was referring to you Father as having been a Father figure to him" she said.

Byleth nodded. Ok, that made more sense.

"Does this mean I will get to meet my Mother as well?" Byleth asked.

Grandmother's face fell, and she shook her head. "No my dear" she said.

Byleth frowned, "Why not?" she asked, it didn't make sense if her Father wanted to see her why didn't her Mother wish to do the same.

Rhea sighed, "There are different planes to our world Byleth" she said "Your mother has ascended to one where she cannot reach us" she added.

Byleth was silent for a moment. There was only so much that a nine year old brain knew, but the way Grandmother said it sounded familiar to how Uncle Seteth comforts those who have lost loved ones.

"She is dead isn't she" Byleth said softly.

Rhea nodded her head lightly, "Yes my dear" she sighed "She died during childbirth" she added.

Byleth looked to the floor. So it was her fault her Mother was dead, perhaps that is why her Father took so long to see her. He didn't want to look the monster that caused his wife's death in the eyes.

"Why is he coming now?" Byleth asked.

Rhea patted her head softly, "He will be coming alongside the King of Faerghus and some high noblemen" she said "He is coming now because he must receive troops to help them on their campaign" she added.

Byleth nodded, "So he won't be here for long?" she asked.

Rhea nodded, "No, he won't" she hummed.

"I see," Byleth said, she felt... relieved. "What's a campaign?" she asked.

Rhea laughed softly, "Always so inquisitive" she said "It's a military campaign" she added. "There has been trouble along the northeastern border between Faerghus and Sreng" Rhea said "That territory is governed by the Gautier's" she added then paused for a moment "In fact we will be meeting them when they arrive" she said.

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