Imperial Year 1172:

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The moons passed by slowly, the students that were there the prior year finally left and the new students for the new year were beginning to move into the student quarters.

Somewhere among the halls of Garreg Mach Glenn was wandering.

Or maybe not... Since she had shown him around when they were children.

Grandmother had told her that there were a few other nobility that would be attending, there was one from the Empire the heir to House Bergliez if she remembered correctly. Two from the Alliance, neither of them were any houses of importance, just minor lords. And from the Kingdom there were two as well.

Glenn and Christoph.

"Byleth!" Flayn called from outside Byleth's room door "Don't you want to meet the new students?" she asked.

Not particularly.

But... Grandmother had stressed the importance of her having social grace and wanted Byleth to get used to dealing with nobility more. Naturally, it meant her interacting with them.

Normally Byleth would have been thrilled at the prospect of a friendship... But that isn't what this is about.

She needs to set an image that she is capable of leading the Church when her time comes.

It doesn't matter if she has barely reached the early age of adolescence, Grandmother said that they cannot show any weakness that will cause the people to lose trust in them.

It seems so... Hollow.

To make connections like that. Byleth had to wonder, is that how Grandmother saw all of her allies? Was there no one she truly trusted?

"Byleth!" Flayn shouted once more.

Ah, right.

She gets up from her desk and opens the door, "Sorry Flayn" Byleth murmured as the girl stared at her with a stern expression.

"You know how Brother gets when I meet new people" Flayn groans "I only have so long before he will intrude" she sighed and grabbed Byleth's wrist "We cannot waste time" she concluded before dragging Byleth along the familiar monastery halls.

It wasn't long before they saw the fresh new faces of the monastery.

It was always the same, they looked around in awe of it.

Byleth couldn't blame them, there were times she would do the same and she had lived here her entire life.

Flayn released Byleth's wrist and went off to a group of girls to make friends.

Byleth smiled softly at the scene.

So carefree...

"Lady Byleth?" a voice questioned from behind her, she turned to face the person.

A tall boy with brown hair and blue eyes...

Byleth furrowed her eyebrows, he looked familiar but where had she seen him?

And then it finally hit her, it was Christophe.

"Ah, sorry Christophe," Byleth began. "It took me a moment to realize it was you," she added.

The older boy chuckled, "It's alright Byleth" Christophe said "Tell me do you still study the blade?" he asked.

Byleth nodded, "Of course" she replied. A sour memory came to mind of her losing that match to him all those years ago, "I do believe a rematch is in order from our last fight" she added.

"Is that right?" Christophe asked "If you are willing to lose, I'll be more than happy to oblige" he added.

Was that a challenge?

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