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Fingers softly thread through her hair, lightly scratching her scalp as they brush past it.

She turns to pull away from the person, and a chuckle ensues "Byleth you must remain still". Was that... Grandmother?

Byleth opens her eyes and sure enough it is her, cradling Byleth's upper body in her lap staring down softly at her.

"Grandmother?" Byleth calls out "Where am I?" she questions.

Rhea pressed her finger to her lips to silence her, "Shh, you are safe now sweet child" she says in a low voice "Rest, all is well" she hummed "I will be watching over you... Always".

The repetitive action and soft humming coming from Grandmother slowly lulled her back to sleep.

Byleth was in her room when she woke up again, she certainly felt better. And now she understood why Sothis slept so much, it was a bit draining.

But... She couldn't remain in bed all day, Byleth got up and began to get dressed. As she began to leave from her room, she caught a peek of herself in the mirror and froze.


Her hair and eyes are green.

Right... Dimitri had told her that a bit before she collapsed.

Oh goddess. Her class.

She quickly rushed out of her room to find them. Hopefully, they were ok after ever-

"Byleth?" Uncle called out in a loud voice and she stopped in her tracks.

She quickly turned to him, "Uncle! The Blue Lions... Are they ok?" she asked hesitantly.

Uncle sighed and shook his head at her, "And here I thought you would be disoriented" he murmured "They are fine Byleth, all are alive and accounted for" he added then paused for a moment "Are you... Doing ok?" he asked quietly.

Was she?

Sothis... She's gone. The silence in her head is a little overwhelming. Her gremlin of reason gone, because Byleth was stupid and rushed straight into a trap. "I... I don't know Uncle" she murmured "Can we speak of this later?" she asked.

Seteth nodded, "Of course, my office is always open to you Byleth" he concluded then walked away.

There were still things she needed to know, before... Before she would question Grandmother on all of this, her Father... What she did.

But... Going straight to her would be pointless, she would need Uncle's help if Byleth were going to get any answers from her.

She sighed and began walking down to the first floor of the monastery, her students were safe. But... Sothis is still gone... She said that they would be one, but... Was that the truth? Or was that just something that she told Byleth so that she wouldn't feel bad?

It seemed a bit out of character for Sothis, but... There were times when she surprised her, it certainly isn't out of the realm of possibility.



The golden-haired Prince came into her view, "I'm glad to see you up" he began "I was worried after you collapsed" he added then paused for a moment, "Are you... Feeling alright?" he asked quietly.

"I feel fine... Given the circumstances" Byleth replied "But... I have to admit I feel rather stupid" she sighed.

Dimitri's eyes widened, "Stupid?" he repeated.

Byleth nodded in confirmation, "Yeah" she murmured "I was so stupid Dimitri, I walked straight into that trap. I knew it too and I didn't care, I just wanted her dead" she sighed "I didn't care what it took so long as she took her last breath" she concluded.

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