The Prince and Princess of Faerghus:

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The weeks passed by quickly.

Her Blue Lions returned to the Capital of Faerghus to begin preparations on their fight against the Empire. It was decided that they would be the main force leading the army, and that they would make Garreg Mach their home base, due to it being closer to everything.

It should be easy to take back since they cleared out the bandits that were there if anything it was probably still empty.

But that was aside from the point. They didn't come just to prepare for war, that Byleth knew.

She'd received congratulations from all of them... Well except for Felix, he cast her a weird look and asked if she was out of her mind. Or being forced to do it.

Byleth chuckled slightly, she wasn't sure how to respond to that. "No Felix, I'm not being forced to marry Dimitri" she replied.

The swordsman narrowed his eyes at her, "You change your mind tell me and I'll help you get out of here" he concluded then walked away. She understood where he was coming from, she had just returned after all and things were progressing quickly... To think... By the end of the night Dimitri was going to be her Husband.

Goddess, she wasn't ready in the slightest.

Her other former students were more enthusiastic over the ordeal than the youngest Fraldarius had been.

Annette and Mercedes were elated, mainly because they had assumed Byleth to be dead. But the event also brought them joy as well.

It was still weird to see how much all of them had changed over the past five years.

In a weird way she felt stuck, the battle at Garreg Mach. It felt like it was merely a few weeks ago in her mind. She knows it has been years but at the same time it hasn't... Well not for her at least.

"I'm so excited that we'll all be back together again!" Annette said cheerfully, "And at the monastery nonetheless" she added.

Mercedes nodded her head in agreement, "Oh, I can't wait!" she hummed "But... that talk can wait till later" she declared and looked to Byleth "How are you feeling?" she asked "Today is quite a big day" she added.

It was.

Byleth knew that.

By the end of the night, she will no longer be an Eisner, it was a bit sad the last thing that remained of her Father would be shed.

But... She must do this.

She wants to do it.

"Nervous, I think?" Byleth sighed.

Mercedes giggled, "It's alright to be nervous" she hummed "If it's any consolation you seem more composed than His Highness" she chuckled "He is extremely nervous, you should have heard Felix scolding him for breaking multiple forks during breakfast" she concluded.

The image of Dimitri breaking forks eased her tension slightly, but it also reminded her how she had yet to see him since Yesterday in the morning.

It was tradition to keep the Bride and Groom away from one another on the day of the wedding, well until they were actually to be wed that is.

"Ah! Lady Byleth, do you need help getting ready for the ceremony?" Annette asked "Mercie and I would be more than willing to doll you up" she added.

Flayn had already decided that she would handle this job manually, however she will have to learn to share. "I would be delighted," Byleth replied with a smile.

A wide grin fell over Annette's face, "Awesome! We won't let you down Lady Byleth!" she beamed.

Byleth chuckled softly, "You both have my thanks" she replied "And you can just call me Byleth Annette, you as well Mercedes" she added.

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