Imperial Year 1173:

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There was a moon of preparation before the next year started and the new students came for the Academy. It was the same every year.

As the new year began the new semester at the academy began as well.

Byleth walked through the halls with Flayn as they made their way to where the students would be.

"Ah! Byleth, Lady Rhea told me your Father will be returning soon from his mission in the Alliance" Flayn exclaimed.

Byleth nodded, "My Father wrote me the same thing" she said "I guess things cleared up there fairly fast" she added.

Flayn smiled, "I am glad" she said.

The second they walked into the entrance hall they were met with shouting.

Byleth frowned and looked around, "What's going on here?" she said.

Flayn stared ahead with wide eyes "I think those two students may be fighting" she said then looked to Byleth "What do we do?".


"I'll handle it," Byleth said and walked over to the older boys who were fighting.

"You really think you can take the almighty Grappling King, Goneril?" The taller boy with dark hair called out.

The other boy was a bit shorter than him and with a shade of dark pink hair, "Ha, is that what you're calling yourself now, Baltie?" he sneered.

Byleth made her way through the crowd of students, "Excuse me" she called out.

The two boys ignored her and continued making comments at one another.

Byleth pinched the bridge of her nose and made her way closer to them, "Hey, you both are causing a scene" she scolded. "We have training grounds for fighting, you are interrupting the flow here" she added.

The pink haired boy glared at his opponent one last time then turned to Byleth, "Ah, sorry you're right" he said "Balthus and I got a bit ahead of ourselves" he added.

Byleth looked around and she saw the students that had gathered had begun to dissipate, except for a red-haired boy who was still lingering. And out of the corner of her eye she saw Flayn making her way to Byleth.

"Yeah, we're really sorry" Balthus said, although he didn't sound sorry and the Pink haired boy punched him in the arm immediately after he said that.

Byleth sighed, "Listen just spar in the training grounds, you don't want Seteth or Lady Rhea to scold you" she said, it felt weird referring to Grandmother by her title.

"Why were you both fighting?" Flayn asked as she stood beside Byleth.

"To test our strength, wasn't that obvious," Balthus said.

Byleth decided she didn't like him.

Flayn frowned, "No it wasn't" she said "Be wary of doing such a thing again the nuns and priest will not hesitate to get you in trouble, you are lucky Byleth was the one to stop you and not one of them" she added.

The pink haired boy's eyebrows furrowed "Wait... Byleth as in Lady Rhea's Granddaughter?" he asked.

Balthus laughed "Calm down there Holst, she isn't the Archbishop yet" he said.

Byleth frowned but chose to ignore his statement "Yes" she responded to Holst "Please just be cautious next time" she concluded then turned and left from the two of them.

"What idiots".

Byleth glanced in the direction of the speaker, the red headed boy...

But now that she has a better look, she knows who he is.

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