The Start to a New Year:

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"So, Byleth..." Claude began as they were walking back to Garreg Mach "Why exactly were you in Remire Village?" he asked.

Byleth sighed, "We went to investigate" she replied.

Claude chuckled, "Ah, the vague answers again" he said "Care to elaborate more?".

Byleth was silent for a moment, "There were sightings of people in the woods at night" she said "And disappearances" she added.

"What did they look like?" Dimitri asked.

"Mages supposedly, we searched but it proved to be fruitless" Byleth sighed "And I can only neglect my duties for so long" she added.

Dimitri chuckled, "Ever so dutiful".

"You know Byleth, I heard a rumor at the monastery that you were trying to run away," Claude said.

Byleth raised her eyebrows in shock, "Run away?" she questioned "No that's ridiculous" she said while shaking her head "Who told you such a thing?".

Claude had a smug look on his face, "Oh, just a few people here and there" he said "Something about you being on edge for a few weeks now" he added.

Byleth frowned, "It seems you ran into nothing but gossip, Claude" she said.

"A curious one that one is, I do wonder what his point is" Sothis murmured.

Byleth had to stop herself from flinching at Sothis's voice.

Goddess, she most definitely lost her mind.

"Hmm, maybe" Claude murmured "I can only imagine what it's like living there all your life, it's essentially Fodlan in a nutshell" he said "The good and the bad".

"I suppose, but the same can be said for the Alliance, none of our territories are void of it" Byleth replied.

Claude chuckled, "Yeah, your right" he said "Honestly, it takes a lot to get under your skin doesn't it?" he questioned.

"Ah, so that's what it was about Claude" Dimitri said in a stern voice.

"Oh come on your Princeliness, it was all in good fun" Claude said "Your just upset Byleth here was able to withstand it while you and Her Highness over here couldn't handle it" he said while shaking his head.

Edelgard glared at him, "You're an idiot" she said.

And that was the start of it, the three of them began bickering. Goddess this march back to Garreg Mach taking far longer than Byleth thought it would and then it finally came into view.

"There it is, Garreg Mach Monastery" Edelgard said and silence fell upon them.

Byleth could hear her Father and Alois chatting away and soon enough they reached the entrance gate of the monastery.

Home sweet home.


Oh crap.

Byleth looked around and she saw Flayn coming straight for her.

"Uh oh, Byleth looks like you are in for it now" Alois called out.

"Hmph! Byleth you left me alone, Brother almost didn't allow me to meet the new students this year!" Flayn scolded and stopped in front of Byleth

"Sorry, Flayn" Byleth sighed "I was on a mission" she added.

Flayn sighed, "Yes, I heard" she sighed "And you didn't even say good-bye either" she scolded and shook her head "Come on, you should probably report to Lady Rhea first" she added "Afterwards well eat dinner" she concluded.

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