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Miklan Gautier is dead.

Byleth's head understands this but... It just didn't feel real at the same time. Had Grandmother stepped in and intervened in the Kingdom's affairs more could this have been avoided?

As much as she wanted to believe that it would, Byleth knew the truth of it. Nothing would have changed, no matter how much she wishes for it to be... The past cannot be changed so easily.

She walked beside Sylvain as they were drawing closer to the monastery. The past two days he had been eerily silent.

"Sylvain" Byleth said softly "I'm really sorry".

The red head sighed, "I know Byleth... Me too" he replied.

That was all they spoke to one another before they arrived at the monastery, then he gave her the Lance of Ruins and went on his way.

The Lance of Ruins... A fitting name, really.

She sighed and began walking to Grandmother's audience chambers "That man..." Sothis murmured "It was as though the lance was swallowing him whole" she began "Upon that sight I could sense some of the little ones were upset" she added.

Byleth nodded, "I know" she sighed "It was a horrible thing to witness, so their discomfort is understandable".

Sothis was silent for a moment, "I wonder... if those Relics truly hold such power" she said quietly "I have to admit that that power feels familiar, strange isn't it?" she sighed "But as the one who wields the Sword of the Creator... Does that mean that you possess that power as well?".

Byleth stopped in her tracks. "I don't know" she confessed "I have never been told of something such as that happening before".

Sothis chuckled, "Calm down young one, I didn't mean to frighten you" she mused "I was just thinking aloud".

Byleth was silent for a moment then nodded and continued onward to the audience chamber.


Grandmother smiled at her, "Ah, sweet child. I am glad for your safe return" she hummed then paused for a moment, "Gilbert... He already reported what transpired" she began "Seteth will speak to the Blue Lions about it, you are all to keep what happened to yourselves" she said "All of Fodlan would fall into chaos should this get out, we must avoid that at all cost. Have I made myself clear?".

"Yes... Of course," Byleth sighed.

Grandmother frowned, "Byleth... Dear, his transformation was nothing short of divine punishment from the Goddess" she declared "Those who are arrogant and foolish enough to wield a Relic even though they are unworthy and unqualified face such consequences".

Byleth stared at the ground for a couple of seconds, "Will I face the same fate?" she asked and looked up at Lady Rhea.

Grandmother shook her head, "No, you won't" she said without hesitation "That only happens if someone who does not bear a crest attempts to wield a relic... It's the punishment of the Goddess for such insolence" she declared then paused for a moment, "You my dear have been chosen to wield the Sword of the Creator, so there is no need to worry".

Byleth nodded her head, "I see" she murmured then walked closer to Grandmother and handed her the Lance of Ruins, "Here you go" she sighed.

Lady Rhea smiles softly at her, most likely pleased that she gave it to the church to handle rather than simply giving it to Sylvain. "The Church will formally return the Lance to House Gautier" Grandmother declares, Byleth hopes they will. "You're free to go now dear, be sure to check on your pupils as well" she added.

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