The Chalice of Beginnings:

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"This is the dormitory for the girls" Constance called out as she led Byleth, Edelgard, and Hilda into a room with two sets of bunk beds.

It was small but it would suffice, after all they would just be using it for sleep.

"Thank you, Constance," Byleth.

She nodded and left the room.

"It's a little drab in here" Hilda sighed.

"I think we'll be able to manage for the time being" Byleth replied, "After all it is only temporary" she added.

Hilda groaned in response, "I guess".

Edelgard frowned at the pink haired girl and shook her head. It looked as though she wished to say more but she kept her mouth silent.

Silence fell over the three of them. Byleth didn't know either of them particularly well, it's not like it was a necessity for her to. But in this moment, she wished she had made more of an effort.

"So, Lady Byleth'' Edelgard called out "I have been meaning to ask, how is Lady Bernadetta's training going?" she questioned.

Byleth frowned slightly.

What was she getting at? Why would she care, last Byleth checked she was house leader of the Black Eagles not the Blue Lions.

Byleth held her gaze, "Bernadetta is doing well, and has grown much in her time with us" she replied.

Had Byleth not been staring at the Imperial Princess she would have missed the irritated look that crossed her face, "I see" Edelgard murmured "Well in that case I wish Bernadetta the best" she added and left from the room.

A few seconds passed and Hilda let out a sigh, "That was awkward" she groaned "I'll admit I don't know her all that well but yesh" she said and shook her head "Anyways this place is... Kind of sketchy" she began "Doesn't it worry you being here?".

Was it supposed to?

"Not really" Byleth replied "We are here to help, and Yuri and the others seem... Trustworthy enough".

Hilda nodded, "Yeah, they do'' she replied, "But there are also others down here, and who knows with all of those others that keep invading" she sighed "I'm too delicate to be here" she declared then clasped her hands together "Ah! I know Byleth you should tell Claude and the others that I am too weak to contribute".

Byleth frowned at her, "I am most definitely not doing that" she said sternly "You have proven yourself to be a very capable fighter multiple times" she added "Sorry Hilda but we need your help".

Hilda groaned, "Fine, but if I get hurt, that's on you" she sighed.

Byleth shook her head, "Hilda you won't get hurt and should things get dire I will protect you as well" she said.

"I guess, especially since you have that creepy sword now" Hilda replied.

Byleth chuckled softly, "I guess it is a bit creepy" she hummed.

Hilda nodded, "Oh yeah, it definitely is" she began "My Brother has our family's relic, and it's so gross to see how it moves in his hand" she shuddered "Ew, just thinking about it is giving me the creeps".

Byleth had never thought about that but then again, she didn't have the sword of the creator for very long either. But... Now that Hilda put the thought in her head, she can't help but acknowledge the truth to her words.

"Oh, don't be a baby" Sothis hissed, Byleth was very close to flinching, it had been some time since Sothis decided to speak up.

"Ah, why don't we find the others?" Byleth suggests, all content and calmness Byleth felt moments ago were gone.

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