What Lies Beneath:

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"So, what are you thinking Byleth?" Claude whispers as he falls in step with her.

Byleth shrugged, "I'm not sure" she murmured back "I want to help, but we also don't know if what they are saying is true".

Claude nodded, "I get it, being cautious" he said "That's smart, but what if what they are saying is true?" he questioned.

"Then we help them," Byleth replied.

"Fair enough," Claude sighed.

Balthus led them down a long tunnel. In retrospect it probably wasn't wise to follow a man they hardly knew further into the Abyss, but they did it regardless.

Actually, now that Byleth thought more about it, they were utterly stupid to have done this, but of course it's too late to mention it now.

"And this is the Abyss" Balthus called out.

It was a long alleyway, there were little buildings and merchant carts along the sides of it.

So, it really is a city down here.

How odd.

She's lived here her whole life and underneath her feet there were people living out their lives. It wasn't just miscreants hiding out here to cause mischief, it was people who were shunned by society... It was saddening now that she actually thought about it.

They lived underneath them this whole time, why hasn't the church helped them?

"Anyhow feel free to look around and explore our humble little town" Balthus laughed and walked away.

Hilda followed after him. And Edelgard took off to explore on her own.

"I guess that just leaves us then" Claude said.

"No, that just leaves you four, I'm going to sleep," Linhardt remarked.

Claude shrugged, "Fine, but I just bet there's all kinds of books and stuff down here" he began "I would imagine that this is where Seteth sends them once he bans them from the library" he added.

Byleth tilted her head in confusion, "Uncle... Bans books?" she questioned.

Claude nodded, "Yup, that's what the Librarian Thomas told me" he said "What do you say Linhardt, care to read some banned books?" he asked.

Linhardt sighed, "Alright you win, I'll follow where you lead".

Claude smiled, "Good, now what about you, Your Princeliness?" he asked.

Dimitri frowned at him, "I suppose someone must watch you" he replied.

"Chivalrous as always Your Highness" Claude said with a wink then turned to Ashe and Byleth "Now I know for certain you both will join us as well" he declared.

Ashe shook his head, "Sorry Claude I wanted to talk more with Yuri. I haven't seen him in years" he said "But I'll catch up with everyone later" he added and took off.

"And then there were four," Claude laughed.

"Three" Byleth corrected "I want to explore as well not be cooped up in a library" she replied.

Dimitri frowned, "Byleth I advise that you stay with us, I am certain there are those down here who harbor strong resentment toward the church" he began "And would wish to bring you harm" he added.

He did have a point.

"I am capable of protecting myself," Byleth replied.

Dimitri's eyes widened, "Ah, I didn't mean to imply that you couldn't" he began "It's just wise to stay in a group should something happen".

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