Poor Prince:

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Uncle Seteth and Flayn had been waiting in the Cathedral for their arrival, ensuring that the priests and nuns knew that they were not allowed in here tonight.

"I can't believe we get to witness His majesty getting married!" Flayn said beside her in a loud whisper.

Byleth had no clue how the girl was so... Energetic at the moment.

"I have never been to a wedding before" Byleth murmured, "Have you?".

Flayn nodded, "A few, but it was a long time ago" she hummed.

Byleth doubted that.

Grandmother was discussing things with the King and would be Queen consort and the Prince stood awkwardly at their side.

"Byleth, you should bring his Highness to sit with us" Seteth suggested, although she was certain it was a command of what to do.

Byleth sighed and walked over to them, "Your Highness, you can sit with us on the first pew during the ceremony" she said.

Dimitri's eyes were wide, and he nodded and looked to his Father, "Is it alright?" he asked.

The king nodded and smiled, "Of course" he said.

The Prince nodded and followed after Byleth to the first pew where Seteth and Flayn were now sitting at.

Uncle looked up as they approached the pew, "Hello your Highness" he greeted "I am Lady Rhea's advisor Seteth, and this is my Sister Flayn" he said.

The Prince nodded then sat down beside Byleth, "It's nice to meet you" he said.

Seteth smiled, "You must be excited for your Father" he said.

The Prince grimaced for a moment, "Yes... Of course," he replied, and silence fell over the four of them.

He didn't sound very happy. Byleth peeked a look at the Prince, his face showed nothing except exhaustion.

Yeah, that was probably it.

Grandmother began the ceremony; it went on and on and on.

And the sudden realization hit Byleth that she would be expected to do this as well once she got old enough.

Oh, goddess that was a horrible idea.

She could hardly sit through it, how could she be expected to recite it.

Byleth needs to focus.

She focuses on the King and about to be Queen Consort, the moonlight casts a glow over them as their vows are being said.

And then Grandmother clasps her hands together, "You both have given yourselves to one another under the eyes of the Goddess" Grandmother declared "From this moment on you are now man and wife" she said and smiled "May the Goddess grant you both long fruitful lives" she conclude.

And the King and Queen...

Byleth shut her eyes.


Flayn giggled from beside Byleth, she opened one eye.

Good it was over.

No one said anything about kissing at weddings that was disturbing.

Goddess didn't they know there are children present?

It was over now and Grandmother guided the King and Queen to their quarters for their stay, "Byleth, be a dear and take his Highness to his room, it's the one across from yours" Grandmother said and turned around without waiting for a response.

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