Blue Sea Moon:

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Everyone at the monastery was on edge.

It bothered Byleth greatly, anywhere she went she was followed with a pair of eyes.

She was an adult, and Knight for Sothis's sake.

She found solace in the halls of Garreg Mach during the night, it was quiet, and she hardly ran into people.

Well... Most of the time.

Tonight... She wasn't so lucky.

Byleth had wandered aimlessly and found herself by the dock where she was relaxing watching the water when she heard something.

And naturally her instincts were to inspect it.

"You're an idiot" Sothis hissed to her, "There is a threat against your Grandmother and here you are creeping in the night" she scolded "What if something happens and you get us killed?!"

Byleth sighed, "Well that is why you are able to reverse time, is it not?" she rebutted.

"Hmph!" Sothis pouted and Byleth continued searching for the source of the noise, it seemed to be... Singing?

Byleth was one hundred percent certain that the singing was coming from the Greenhouse, here goes nothing.

She swung open the door and a loud shriek ensued revealing a girl with messy purple hair.

"I'm sorry please don't kill me!" the girl shouts.

Kill her?

Byleth frowns, "Listen I didn't mean to scare you I just heard singing and I came to check".

The girl freezes and stops screaming, "You... Heard me singing?!" she said "Oh Goddess, I think I'm going to die of embarrassment" she wails.

Byleth has no clue how to handle this, "Listen I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I was just investigating in case of a threat" she replied.

A look of horror fell over her face, "I wasn't doing anything bad I swear" she shouted.

Oh goddess, Byleth is terrifying this poor girl isn't she, "Ok calm down, I know you aren't doing anything bad" she began "You're a student here right?" she asked.

The girl's eyes grew wide once again, "H-How do you know that?!" she questioned.

Right, she's skittish.

"Sorry I should introduce myself. I am Lady Byleth-" she began and paused. The girl was just staring at her with her mouth agape. Byleth frowned, "Are you ok?" she questioned.


"Just leave her be" Sothis hummed.

Byleth was quiet a moment, that did seem to be a good idea at the moment but...

"And what if something happens to her?" Byleth chided "I wouldn't be able to live with that on my conscience" she added.

Sothis sighed, "Fine, just take her to the infirmary or something".

"Smart, I knew there was a reason I kept you around" Byleth murmured.

Sothis laughed, "Yeah, as if either of us has a choice" she replied.

Byleth walked over to the girl, "Um... Miss? I'm going to have to carry you to the infirmary" she said "Please don't freak out on me on our way there" she added then lifted the girl trying to keep her from falling over her shoulder. As Byleth walked to the infirmary it was a struggle to carry her.

"Lady Byleth?".

Byleth jumped and almost dropped the poor girl on the ground, she turned to see the familiar ginger.

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