Threat of a Rebellion:

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The ride back to the monastery was silent, Byleth had opted out of riding beside her class and instead ridden beside Catherine.

"So, I have been waiting till we were alone to ask," Catherine began, Byleth's interest was piqued "How is it having the Gaspard boy in your class?".

Byleth stares at her, "What?" she chokes out, Gaspard boy? That's ridiculous, there is only one Gaspard boy she can think of and she is the reason he is dead. There are no others.

Catherine frowns, "You... Didn't know?" she asked quietly.

"Christophe... He is the only Gaspard I know aside from Lord Lonato" Byleth replies.

She hadn't thought of him in a while, she didn't want to.

"Christophe was the only biological Gaspard" Catherine said "However, he has three adopted children".

Byleth was silent a moment, "I see" she finally murmured "Who is it?" she asked hesitantly, although she had a general idea.

"Ashe," Catherine replied.

Byleth kept her gaze down, "I see" she said "Did, Grandmother know?" she asked.

Catherine is silent a moment, "Byleth-"

"Did she know?" Byleth repeats sternly.

"I think so" Catherine sighs, "I'm sorry I had no idea you were in the dark over this".

"It's fine, it isn't your fault" Byleth sighed, why... Why didn't Grandmother tell her? What was the point in that? Did Uncle know?

Who was she kidding of course Uncle knew, only Byleth is left in the dark and expected to just follow without any thought?

And to make matters worse, Ashe... He must know what she has done.

That... Christophe is dead because of her.

They let her teach him. Knowing the pain, she has caused to that family.

"Byleth" Catherine calls softly and puts a hand on her shoulder, "Listen, things aren't going to get better once we get to the monastery" she said in a hushed tone.

Byleth frowned and looked at her, "What do you mean?" she asked.

Catherine is silent and she looks away, "It- has to do with the mission I just got back from" she said.

"Explain" Byleth commanded.

Catherine frowned, "You know I cannot, Lady Rhea wished to discuss it with you first" she said.


Grandmother wished to discuss it with her.


"I'm going ahead to the monastery," Byleth said to Catherine, and lightly tapped the side of her horse so that he knew to pick up speed.

"Byleth!" Catherine shouted after her, but it wouldn't change her mind.

Byleth and Lady Rhea needed to talk.


It was quiet when Byleth arrived at the monastery.

There wasn't the usual noise and cheers of people as they enjoyed their day, there was a menacing undertone that crept through the air.

What the hell was going on.

Byleth made her way through the halls till she reached the second floor and stood outside of the audience chambers.

This is it.

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