The Goddess Tower:

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In retrospect it should have been obvious where they were going.

It was the only place that made sense, but as they left from the Cathedral and stepped on the cobblestone bridge that led to the tower it finally dawned on her where they were going.

Did Dimitri know what it meant to go there today?

Surely, he'd have to have heard the rumors by now.

She peeked over at Dimitri if he knew his face gave nothing away.

Perhaps he didn't and it was just a mix up.

The two of them climbed up the stairs until they reached the top floor of the goddess tower.

Byleth has never been up here before... The view, she has to admit it's breathtaking. She walked over to the rails and looked over. She could see the faint glow of candlelight from the windows of the monastery.

"It's quiet here isn't it Byleth?" Dimitri remarked and walked over to her side and peered over the edge with her.

She nodded her head, "It is" she agreed.

Silence fell over the two of them for a moment, "Do you know the legend associated with the Goddess tower?" Dimitri asked softly.

Did he really just ask if she knew a legend about a tower in her home? Byleth stared at him for a moment then sighed, "Dimitri... You know I have lived here all my life, right?" she hummed "I think it would be worrisome had I not known about it" she added.

Dimitri chuckled, "My apologies, you just don't strike me as the type to enjoy those sorts of stories" he replied.

Byleth tilted her head slightly, "Is that so?" she murmured "I suppose I wouldn't have, Flayn however used to tell me the story all the time" she said softly.

"Hmm, I see" Dimitri sighed "In any case I wonder who came up with such a silly notion of wishes made in this tower coming true".

She stared at him for a moment, "Hm, so you don't believe in it?" she asked.

The Prince shook his head, "No, legends are legends nothing more" he murmured "No matter how much we beg to be saved by the goddess she never so much as offers her hand" he said quietly "And if she did, I doubt we have the means to reach her" he sighed and shook his head "That's what I think about it" he said softly then looked at her "What do you think about it?" he asked.

Byleth was silent for a moment, "Truthfully I don't know" she said quietly "I have never really put much thought on the notion of the Goddess granting wishes, but I suppose weirder things have happened" she sighed. Like the goddess being the Gremlin in her head for starters, "In any case there's no harm in it either way" she concluded.

Dimitri nodded his head, "I agree, there is no harm from participating in such things" he began a small smile fell over his face "What do you say Byleth? Care to make a wish?" he said softly "We are here on the night of the ball after all" he added.

A wish...

Byleth thought it over for a moment, "Alright, you go first then" she replied.

Dimitri's eyes widened, "A wish of my own?" he murmured "I suppose I wish for a world where no one would ever be unjustly taken from us again".

King Lambert, Glenn, Lady Patricia, all of the Faerghus soldier... All those who died in Duscur. How noble of him to wish for such a thing.

"I'll wish for the same," Byleth hums.

Dimitri is silent for a moment, "Is that so?" he murmurs and grabs her hand "Perhaps... It would make more sense if I were to wish that we would be together forever" he said softly, his gaze was on their hands "What do you think?".

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