Gronder Field:

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Gronder field.

It had been five years since they last stepped foot here, although... For Byleth it still felt as though it had happened a couple moons ago.

The first time, it had been nothing more than a mock battle. And now... They are fighting for their lives. The irony of having the battle here is cruel, but Byleth knows they cannot back down. Edelgard must be stopped for Fodlan's sake, and for Dimitri's.

She knows that killing her will not ease the pain. Byleth's been in his shoes, killing Kronya did nothing. All that rage and anger doesn't go away when they die. It remains and then you're left with the reminder that the past cannot be changed so easily.

Byleth sighed and looked around their battlefield, the Alliance was to the left of them and the Empire to the right. If they had gotten there quicker, perhaps they could have snatched up the central hill, but it looks like the Empire got their hands on it already. There was an archer manning the ballista.


It's fine, they can always take it back.

But... Right now, Byleth needs to focus on how she will find Claude in the sea of soldiers once the battle begins.

Since she can't convince the others that it was Edelgard that caused the death of their messenger she will have to convince Claude and his forces to retreat so that they are spared.

"I'm going straight for Edelgard," Dimitri declared as he gazed at the field.

Byleth flinched, "That's a horrible idea Dimitri" she replied "Come with me instead, we need to find Claude and convince him to withdraw his troops" she said.

The Prince shook his head, "I cannot Byleth" he said sternly.

She frowned at him, "Dimitri... Please, we'll go after Edelgard together" she began "We just need to ensure that there aren't any pointless casualties" she concluded.

"My duty is to take that wrenches head from her shoulders, nothing else" Dimitri declared.

Byleth stared at him for a moment and shook her head, "Fine" she replied coolly "Don't do anything stupid out there Dimitri" she added.

He opened his mouth to say something, but it was cut off by fireballs raining down on the battlefield.

It's time.

Byleth unsheathed the sword of the creator, she needed to get to Claude fast.

Dimitri raised his lance in the direction of the Imperial army, "I will tear your head from your shoulders" he snarled "The dead must have their tribute" he declared then paused for a moment "Kill every last one of them!" he shouted and charged in that direction.

And so, it begins.


Byleth cut down her opponents as they appeared before her.

Red or Gold it didn't matter. She had to, well... At least until she found Claude that is.

She hoped Dimitri is alright.

Dedue would be at his side. And most of the Blue Lions went with him, they will protect him... Byleth is certain of it-


a Paladin rider stood a few feet from her with their lance pointing at her.

Wait... "Leonie?" Byleth called out.

The ginger nodded, "I guess we'll finally see who's the strongest of us two" she said and lunged forward at Byleth.


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