A King's Plea:

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A few moons pass, Byleth is no longer a naïve child. With a great age comes great wisdom, or so she is told. Although she doubts there is much wisdom at the ripe age of ten years old.

The nuns and priests seem to think so, but she is certain that the supposed wisdom she has derives from her being Lady Rhea's granddaughter. It has nothing to do with her age.

Slowly they began trying to infiltrate Byleth into taking over some more church tasks it ranged from speaking with town folks to leading the hymns during choir practice.

It eased people around her, the nuns and priests began to see her more as Byleth rather than someone who needed to be feared and respected. But the children still avoided her, but that didn't bother her so much anymore. Flayn was there with her, although she may be a bit... Excitable at times, it was still nice to have her company.

Byleth hadn't seen Glenn or Sylvain since they had left, although not long ago she did receive a letter from Sylvain, his handwriting was horrendous and there were scribbles everywhere but... It meant the world to her that he put in the effort to write her. Byleth had feared that maybe she would be forgotten by them and disregarded just as the other children at the monastery did to her. So, it was a nice change of pace.

That being said today was the day.

This year's students were graduating and then they would leave, the ceremony was performed in the cathedral and afterwards they had a grand celebration in the dining hall. There were many happy faces as they celebrated with their friends for the last time before life would split them apart for good.

Cassandra Charon, her self-proclaimed mentor would return to her territory in Faerghus, Byleth would miss her but... Like Sylvain had told her before they would see each other again. She was certain of it.

"You gonna miss me Byleth?" Cassandra asked as she shoved a spoonful of cheesy Verona into her mouth.

Byleth stared at her for a moment, of course she would miss her. "I guess" Byleth said.

Cassandra laughed, "You wound me so" she said "Keep in touch ok?" she added.

Byleth nodded, "Of course" she said.

Flayn laughed "I'm certain Byleth will miss you dearly" she said.

"Agreed" Cassandra said with a smile "And I'm certain that Byleth will be fine with you watching over her Flayn" she added.

Flayn smiled, "I shall" she beamed "We can spar too Byleth!" she added.

Byleth doubted that strongly, she remembered their attempt to teach Flayn to wield a blade... Let's just say Uncle Seteth was very, very displeased with them and Flayn was prohibited from learning how to wield a blade. Although... He never said anything about teaching her to wield a lance.

Cassandra shook her head, "That's really a horrible idea Flayn" she said.

Flayn pouted, as she picked at her fish with her fork.

The next morning Cassandra left.

Byleth and Flayn woke up early and saw the carriages off as they took the students back to their respective territories.

Byleth sighed and then walked back in through the entrance gates.

They'll see each other again.

A small part of her fears that it won't come true but... She'll cling to the idea with all that she is.


"How did you do that?" Byleth asked with furrowed brows.

In an attempt to strengthen their Faith magic, Grand Mother and Uncle Seteth thought it best that the two of them help with healing the injured soldiers in the infirmary.

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