The End:

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The sun was beginning to rise.

False energy flooded through her body at the sight of the pink and orange sky.

She hadn't slept.

Grandmother... Is dead.

And her words... Well, no, the truth of everything is weighing on Byleth.


People would kill for it and yet, it feels like a weighty burden to Byleth.

All of her friends... She will bear witness to all of their death's and then live on.

How long will it be before she forgets their faces and laughs? Likes and dislikes?

And how long does she have before her Husband...

Byleth sighs and rubs at her face, she didn't want to think about that anymore.

Grandmother... Before she passed imparted to Byleth, how to increase the longevity of a mortal's life. Her eyes looked at Byleth knowingly as she imparted this knowledge onto her.


She had to give him some of her blood.

But... To force him to live such a life with her.

It felt cruel.

Dimitri deserved better. The Kingdom deserved better.

Byleth sighed and leaned on the railing of the balcony. It would be best for them to part ways here.

Dimitri didn't need the extra burden. His plate would be full soon enough.

Byleth could just disappear, leave Fodlan and disappear into obscurity. Dimitri would need a proper Queen, someone to birth his heirs. And there was no telling if Byleth would even be able to do that.

No, it's better this way.

Her mind is made up she should-

"Beloved, there you are" Dimitri's voice called out to her as he stood at the door frame of the goddess tower. He walked over to her, "I should have known that this is where you'd run off to" he murmured.

She stared at him in silence and just nodded her head.

He beloved Prince- no, King tilted his head slightly "Are you alright?" he asked softly and rose a hand to her cheek. Dimitri's eyebrows furrowed, "Beloved... Please tell me what is wrong?" he said softly and wiped away tears that had escaped from her eyes.

A lump formed in her throat, "You should go" she murmured.

Dimitri frowned, "I'm not leaving until you tell me what ails you" he declared "You are my wife, I know things have been hard for you recently. But you do not have to face it alon-"

"You should take a different wife," Byleth said.

Dimitri's eye widened in shock, "A different..." he murmured then shook his head before he could finish the sentence "No" he said sternly "You are my wife, my Beloved, my Quee-".

"Stop it" Byleth shouted and pulled away "I can't Dimitri. I'm not like you... You deserve to share a life with someone" she began "You need a Queen to give you heirs and sit beside you daintily" she said sternly then fell silent for a moment, "I can't give that to you Dimitri" Byleth murmured.

Dimitri's gaze didn't waver from hers, "Then don't" he replied "You are under no obligation to do these things Byleth" he said sternly and grabbed her hand.

Byleth tried to pull her hand from his grip but he held on firmly, "You need these things Dimitri" she said softly "You are a King it is expected that-"

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