He Who Stays Cannot Leave:

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Five days passed.

Five days have passed since Sitri Eisner left from this realm to whatever comes after.

Jeralt never thought of himself to be particularly religious, which people often found strange given the fact he works for the Church of Seiros. But this time he really hoped something of their teachings was true.


I hope you are with the goddess.

Jeralt sighed and rubbed his forehead. There was a dull pain in his head, he couldn't tell if the alcohol had either soothed it or caused it. And frankly he didn't really care.

There was a lot to take in, not only the tragic news that his beloved wife was lost in childbirth but that this... Child. If he could even call her that was definitely not normal.

Jeralt looked at his notebook splayed out on his desk, he read over the words he had written earlier in the evening.

Day twenty-five of the Horsebow moon:

"It's raining. The baby doesn't laugh or cry. Not ever. Lady Rhea says not to worry, but a baby that doesn't cry... Isn't natural"

Jeralt sighed then took another drink from his flask and grabbed his quill to finish his entry.

"I had a doctor examine the child in secret. He said the pulse is normal, but there's no heartbeat. No heartbeat!" Jeralt wrote. He sighed and put the quill down.

What could Rhea have done to her.

Is that even his child anymore?


He cannot think that.

Sitri would be repulsed if she knew that Jeralt had even thought that for a moment.


She is their daughter.

And Jeralt will love her as such.

Heart or no heart.


The days pass by slowly.

Every time Jeralt leaves from his office he can't help but get the feeling he is being watched.

At first, he thought it was his paranoia, but the sound of footsteps running away when he suddenly turned in a direction where he saw a figure out of the corner of his eye confirmed his suspicion.


He knows she is behind this.

He is watched most when he is with Byleth in the nursery. Sometimes he feels a presence in the room but looks and no one is there. Other times it is a nun entering the room and repeatedly folding the same blanket for hours on end.

What does she want with his daughter?

The sun is shining bright in Jeralt's eyes as he leaves from getting food from the dining hall, to head back to be with his child.


Behind him.

Jeralt turns around quickly.

He comes face to face with one of the nuns at the monastery.

The nun stared at him with wide eyes, "Why are you following me?!?" Jeralt demands, the color drains from her face.

"I- I'm not following you" she said in a quiet voice.

Jeralt frowns, "Did Rhea tell you to follow me?" he questions.

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