To the Kingdom's Aid:

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A loud knock sounded on Byleth's door, she shot up immediately.


She'd slept in.

"Lady Byleth?" Alois's voice called out from the other side, "Are you packed and ready to go?" he questioned.

"I- I'll be down there in a few minutes" Byleth shouted back as she got up and quickly put on her armor.

She had been assigned a mission, some sort of rebellion that the Kingdom needed help with. Apparently, Lord Kleiman was leading a rebellion against the crown wishing to seize it for himself.

Byleth cursed herself inwardly a bit, she had always thought Lord Kleiman was suspicious after the Tragedy of Duscur and now she had the confirmation that her hunch had been correct.

And yet... She had done nothing about it.

She sighed then grabbed her blade and left from her room.

Part of her was worried, she had never helped quell an uprising before. What would happen if they had to fight civilians?

Could she live with the guilt of their blood on her hands?

It was one thing taking the life of a soldier, it was another for a civilian.

But... Hesitation in battle will kill her, if push comes to shove, she will do what she must.

"Took you long enough" Shamir called out to Byleth as she approached them at the stables "Most of the other knight's already rode ahead" she added "Come, let's not waste any more time" Shamir said then hopped onto her horse and began guiding them to the others.

Alois, Byleth, and Shamir had been tasked with leading the Knights of Seiros through the battle ahead.

Byleth had wished that Grandmother would have allowed for her Father to accompany them on this mission, but she said it wasn't wise to leave the monastery so defenseless.

Which was true, but... There were plenty of other knights and she hadn't seen much of him lately, oftentimes as soon as he arrived, he was sent upon a new mission of great urgency.

And when he was actually at the monastery she was sent out on missions, it was unfair.

But... It was pointless to complain, they both had responsibilities that they had to attend to, she was just being selfish to want more.

"You're quiet this morning Byleth" Alois said as they were riding to Kleiman territory.

"I'm still waking up," Byleth replied.

Shamir snorted, "Not everyone has an abundance of energy like you Alois" she said.

Alois shook his head, "We just need to get the body moving" he said "Let's stop and warm up!".

"No," Shamir replied, "We are already behind the others," she said.

"Hmph" Alois pouted at the rejection of his proposal.

"Byleth, we received a report while we were waiting at the stables" Shamir began "Apparently His Highness is going to be present at this battle, we will be assisting his forces".


Byleth frowned, "What?" she said in shock "Why would they send the Prince of Faerghus out to quell this rebellion" she said "This is a joke right?" she questioned.

Shamir shook her head, "No, I leave the joke to Alois" she replied.

Byleth furrowed her eyebrows, "That's not a smart idea, they are trying to overthrow the crown, he is the rightful heir to the throne, all they have to do is kill him and they'll have achieved what they were after" she added.

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