The Threat of an assassination:

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"You both have done an excellent job with handling Lord Lonato's rebellion" Grandmother said in a calm tone, "And as for the assassination attempt... We will be increasing security for the rite of rebirth" she said "Byleth, I expect your class to be prepared to handle this mission".

Byleth nodded, "Of course".

She hadn't spoken with Grandmother since their fight, it was... Weird.

"Good," Grandmother said and smiled.

Catherine shifted around awkwardly, "Lady Rhea... Are you certain that we shouldn't just call the other knight's back for this?" she asked.

"Nonsense" Lady Rhea said "The students shall suffice, besides, it will be all three houses" she added.

Catherine nodded, "Of course Lady Rhea" she said and bowed.

Grandmother smiled, "You are dismissed Catherine" she said.

Byleth turned around to leave with the older woman, "Ah, Byleth I wish to speak with you" Grandmother called out and Byleth stopped in her tracks then turned to face her.

"Yes?" she asked.

"I am incredibly pleased with your performance with this mission" she began "I know it was... Difficult for you, I want you to know I appreciate it" she concluded.

Byleth nodded, "Of course, it was my duty after all" she said.

Grandmother furrowed her eyebrows, "Dear... That's not what I mean" she sighed "I'm sorry that things got out of hand the last time we spoke" she said.

Byleth sighed, "Me too Grandmother" she sighed and was quiet for a moment, "My class won't let you down with this mission Grandmother but... I have to wonder about the legitimacy of it" she said.

Grandmother tilted her head in confusion, "Hmm I suppose the circumstances of finding it were odd, however given the fact Christophe had been planning the same thing we cannot overlook it" she replied.

Byleth nodded, "Of course" she said then turned and left from the audience chambers.

She was still a bit angry with Grandmother but... She was glad they were at least back on speaking terms.

But... It did little to ease her conscience.

Lord Lonato is dead.

A whole family lineage gone with a swing of the blade.


She should speak with her, Byleth is grateful for what she did. Had Lonato actually attacked her, well... She doesn't know if she could have actually brought herself to fight back against him.

After all, it was only fair. Blood for blood, that's the way of Faerghus. Or so she's heard.

"Lady Byleth...".

Byleth snapped around, Dimitri.

She narrowed her eyes at him, "What do you want Your Highness?" she said sternly.

Dimitri flinched slightly, "I came to apologize" he began "I realize my words may have been-".

"Don't worry about it" Byleth replied "I had already forgotten".

She hadn't.

Dimitri frowned slightly, "Byleth I don't wish for there to be any ailments between us" he said.

Byleth stared at him with a blank face, "There isn't" she said "Now I have important things to do, so if you'll excuse me".

A conflicted look fell over Dimitri's face, "Right... Of course," he murmured and Byleth took that as her cue to leave.

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