The Blue Lions:

421 16 12

"Get up!".

"Do you intend to sleep all day?!".

It takes Byleth a moment to realize the voice screaming in her head is that of Sothis, she had thought her being offended meant that she wouldn't speak to her anymore but... It seems that didn't happen.

"I'm getting up" Byleth sighed and sat up in her bed, "You know, there was no need to shout" she added.

"Hah, I tried waking you up without it but, you are far heavier sleeper than I would have guessed" Sothis replied, "We have things to do today, now get to it" she commanded.

"We?" Byleth scoffed "There is no we, I have things to do" she said.

The girl tsked at Byleth, "You really are a fool" Sothis sighed "I am stuck to you so unfortunately that means the both of us" she said "Now get up before we are late".

That was a valid point...

Byleth got up and quickly got dressed, it was still early out. The sun had risen, classes had most likely started already.

Luckily, it was customary to lecture before they jumped into training.

She rushed over to the classroom and peeked in through the doorway, sure enough the students were in there and her Uncle was at the front of the class speaking with them.

"Are you just going to stand her like a fool or go in there?" Sothis sighed.

Byleth frowned and ignored her, she was starting to have her doubts on the whole Goddess thing.

But she was right. It was a bit weird to just stand outside the door watching, and so she entered the classroom and waited around the desks in the back. Which were thankfully empty.

Uncle was going over the basics of everything that they would have expected of them here at the academy, he droned on for a couple of minutes then finally looked at her.

"Ah, I see you finally woke up," Seteth said, halting his lecture then beckoned her to the front of the class.

Goddess, this was a horrible idea.

She complied though and walked to the front besides her Uncle.

Seteth patted her shoulder, "This is Byleth, and she will be helping you with your training to ensure you are battle ready for the monthly missions" he said "And she will be guiding your class during the mock battle that is coming up soon as well" he added and paused a moment, "Well, I'll leave it to Byleth for the rest of the day to prepare you for the mock battle, good day".

Byleth looked to him with wide eyes, "Uncle... What are you doing" she hissed.

"You'll be fine, you just need to speak a bit then head to the training grounds and see what they are made of" Seteth replied and left from the room.

Oh crap.

Byleth looked at the class, a total of eight students ok that's not so bad. She recognized a few of the faces in the class as well, so that was good at least.

"Ok, so" Byleth began "I don't know what the last professor has done with you so far, so I will speak with you one at a time so we can figure out what is worth learning for you" she said "Any questions?".

A few hands slowly rose. Byleth pointed to the red headed girl near the front, "You are to be the next Archbishop, correct?" she asked.

Ah, so they were jumping into it then.

Byleth nodded, "Yes" she replied "But I assure you I have experience with fighting, I have served with the knights of Seiros for years now" she said.

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