The Battle of the Eagle and Lion:

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"The battle of the Eagle and Lion is finally upon us" Dimitri declared.

Byleth nodded, "So it is" she hummed "Are you prepared Dimitri?" she asked.

The Prince chuckled "Of course I am" he said "I feel stronger this moon" he added.

Stronger this moon? "Hm? Perhaps it's in correlation to your crest" Byleth replied "If so, be sure not to let Linhardt find out" she concluded.

"Ah, yes that would be most unfortunate to be subjected to his studies" Dimitri murmured "I shall heed your warning".

"A wise choice Dimitri" Byleth replied and looked around there were just missing a few more of the Blue Lions then they could go ahead and begin their trip to Gronder Field.


She looked in the direction of the voice and saw the Golden Deer's leader, "Yes?" Byleth questioned as he approached her and Dimitri.

"Have you heard that both the Professors of the Golden Deer and Black Eagles are going to be sitting this battle out" Claude said.

They were? This is the first that Byleth had heard of it.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Perhaps I should sit out of it as well then" she murmured. Her whole game plan is now thrown to the wind.

She felt a hand fall on her shoulder, "That's not necessary Lady Byleth" she turned and saw Professor Manuela and Professor Hanneman. "Our students have been trained well, there is no reason for you to sit out" she added.

Byleth was silent for a moment, "You don't think that it would be unfair?" she questioned.

A chuckle came from the Golden Deer Professor, "Not at all Lady Byleth" Hanneman began "As Professor Manuela said, we have trained our students well".

That was all she needed, "I suppose you have" she replied "I won't hold back" she added.

Professor Manuela chuckled and patted her shoulder, "I expect no less" she hummed "But I hope you're prepared to lose today" she chuckled.

"You should prepare for that as well," Byleth replied.

Manuela nodded, "Then we'll see you out there then Lady Byleth" she said.


"So, this is our battlefield" Sylvain remarked as they approached their side of the field. "I have to admit that we got screwed over on the spot we got" he sighed "Like seriously, the Black Eagles were able to take the hill no questions asked" he added.

Ingrid frowned at him, "Enough Sylvain" she said sternly "We can always take the bridge from them" she added.

Sylvain groaned, "I mean yeah but why do they get it in the first place" he sighed.

Byleth shook her head at him, "It was a coin toss between the Black Eagles and the Golden Deer since they both lost the mock battle" she replied.

"How is that fair they lost" Felix scoffed "Shouldn't the winner get the advantage?" he questioned.

Byleth shrugged, "Yes and no" she responded "On one hand the victor should be rewarded... However, the class that wins the mock Battle mostly wins the Battle of the Eagle and Lion so Grandmother does it like this so there is a fighting chance for the other classes that did not win" she replied.

Dimitri nodded, "That seems fair" he murmured.

"Indeed, it is!" Flayn beamed "I cannot believe that we actually will be participating in battle this year".

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