The Great Bridge of Myrddin:

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Claude agreed.

When Byleth heard the news, she was relieved. The more she thought it over the more she believed that if they went and tried to overtake the bridge of Myrddin without his assistant that there might be casualties. But with Claude's assistance of distracting them on the border of the Gloucester and Riegan they should be able to take over the bridge with no problem.

Well... Hopefully.

So long as House Riegan distracts House Gloucester, they should be fine.

Byleth finished clipping on her last piece of armor when a knock sounded on her room door. "It's open" she called out and Flayn swung the door open and came in.

"Byleth!" Flayn hummed and took a seat on her bed.

She looked at the younger girl, "Yes?" Byleth replied.

Flayn sighed and slumped on her bed, "It's so unfair!" she declared "I wish to be of some assistance as well" she said.

Byleth chuckled, "Hmm, have you considered telling Uncle you wish to help heal the wounded during battle? That you won't actually be fighting" she suggested.

Flayn was silent for a moment, "Do you think that would truly work?" she questioned.

Byleth shrugged, "Who knows" she replied "But... I do think Uncle would understand how pivotal it is to have people on the battlefield who have an affinity for faith magic" she said then paused for a moment, "Just try speaking to him next time before the next battle" she added.

Flayn nodded and sat up, "You're right, Byleth!" she said happily "I must tell him I wish to help!" she declared.

Byleth chuckled, "Yes, that is a good start from moping around.

The younger girl crossed her arms and pouted, "I was not" she huffed out "In any case shouldn't you be going already?" she asked.

"Yeah... I probably should" Byleth sighed "I'm just kind of burnt out" she murmured.

Flayn nodded her head, "Have you spoken to his Highness since..." she trailed off.

She hadn't.

Byleth had avoided Dimitri like the plague. It had been only a week, but she managed to convince the others to take Dimitri his food and any time she saw him in proximity she left swiftly before he saw her. Not that she thought Dimitri wished to speak further about their last conversation, it was more of sparing herself the humility over the matter.

They had been married three maybe four moons now and she's certain that they will not be together when this war is over. It... It would be for the best. Dimitri needs an obedient Queen who can give Faerghus what it needs better than she can. And Byleth... Well, she doesn't know what she'll do. If Grandmother is alive and well, then maybe she'll just leave Fodlan altogether.

Ah, she's getting a bit ahead of herself. They need to win this war first.

"No... We haven't spoken" Byleth finally replied.

A sympathetic look fell over her face, "Oh Byleth, I'm so sorry" she said softly.

Byleth shrugged, "It's fine, it doesn't matter" she replied then stood up "I should get going now Flayn" she said "I'll see you when we get back" she concluded.

Flayn stood up and pulled Byleth into a tight hug, "Be safe" she said.

Byleth chuckled and pulled away, "I will Flayn" she hummed then left from her room to the stables.

The majority of their army was already there lying-in wait, there were still a few missing so it wouldn't be much longer before they left.

"You're late Byleth" Uncle's stern voice called out.

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