The Tragedy of Duscur:

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Things... Have been hectic lately around the monastery.

There is a new professor and any time she catches sight of Professor Hanneman it ends in them arguing, although Byleth has to admit she is a bit enchanted by her voice. Flayn and Byleth read a novel on sirens and that is what she imagined to be the voice to lure sailors to their deaths.

Flayn thought it was a grim thought, Byleth is certain she's just being a baby.

Although, it's not just professor drama that plagues the monastery. At every new day there seems to be an issue arising, an insurrection here and an uprising there. Sometimes it feels as though something is brewing and they have no means of stopping it.

"You aren't paying attention Byleth".


Byleth looks up to the woman with dark hair, and Grandmother introduced her as Shamir. She had recently joined the ranks of Knights for the Church of Seiros, she was said to have formerly been a mercenary.

"My apologies," Byleth said and bowed.

Shamir sighed, "Don't apologize" she said sternly "What do you think would have happened had we been on a battlefield?".

Byleth hung her head in shame, "I would have died" she replied.

"Exactly" Shamir said "You need to be focused on your surroundings at all times," she concluded.

"Oh, loosen up Shamir" Alois's voice rang through the training grounds "We'll always be with Byleth, so she doesn't have to fear" he added.

"Don't listen to him Kid" Jeralt sighed and came up to the three of them then turned to Alois "She needs to be just as prepared as us out there if she is to become a knight" he said "It doesn't matter if we are there to protect her, she needs to be able to protect herself should it come to it" Jeralt said sternly.

Shamir nodded, "I agree".

Alois huffed dramatically, "Well! I will protect Lady Byleth no matter what!" he shouted.

Byleth is certain he just missed their point.

Jeralt laughed, "Alright Alois" he said as he patted him on the shoulder "Come on, Shamir needs to train Byleth let's get out of their hair for the time being" he said and guided Alois away, Byleth was grateful for her Father's sacrifice.

"Finally, peace and quiet" Shamir sighs while shaking her head "Alright, now aim right there for the head on the dummy" she said and Byleth draws her bow.

When Shamir suggested learning it Byleth was... Apprehensive to say the least but, Shamir had good judgment as far as she could tell so Byleth listened and did as told.

She fired her bow at the dummy, "Did it hit?" she asked.

Shamir nodded, "Not the head but you did hit the body this time, not bad Byleth" she said "Now... Keep firing" she commanded.

Byleth nodded and did as told.

Using a bow wasn't her most favorite but, it certainly would be advantageous to know if the need ever arose.

Which was also why Alois was teaching her the basics with an axe.

In case her blade ever broke, or she used up her magic, she needed to learn other forms of fighting. Which is what led to her learning hand to hand combat against Grandmother who was significantly stronger than Byleth would have assumed.

"You are losing focus again" Shamir called out, disturbing her train of thought causing Byleth to shoot an arrow off in a random direction.

"Sorry" Byleth murmured.

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