Returning to Garreg Mach:

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She didn't have a plan.

Not in the slightest.

"Why are we cowering like this?" Caspar sighed "Let's just go in and take them head on" he added.

Ferdinand frowned at him, "We cannot act so rash, we are severely outnumbered" he murmured "But... I do believe that victory is possible, we just have to be smart and-"

"YEAH!" Caspar shouted and leapt up from his spot and took off running at the nearest bandit swinging his axe at him.


So much for acting rationally.

Ferdinand quickly leapt up and chased after him, Byleth followed with Linhardt and Bernadetta on her tail.

Her former student swung his axe at the enemies one after another without any hesitation. Linhardt let out a huff of annoyance and she saw the faint glow of a Physic spell.

"Thanks for that Lin!" Caspar shouted as he fought.

Byleth unsheathed the Sword of the Creator and lashed it at the nearest bandit.

Five years.

She's been immobile for five years, but it certainly doesn't feel like it at the moment. If she hadn't seen how much her former students changed, or how deteriorated the monastery has become she might not have believed it, but... The facts don't lie.

Ugh... Now isn't the time to worry about that.

Her former students... No, her allies were fighting valiantly. Even Bernadetta who seemed petrified was doing her part. The bandits may have numbers on them, but they lacked proper training.

"Lady Byleth, they are trying to escape" Ferdinand shouted.

The leader of the bandits was a brown-haired man with a weird haircut, and sure enough he was trying to flee.

She can't let him.

If he survives then he will just make another den of bandits that they will have to clear out later, "We must stop him!" Byleth shouted and began to chase after them.


They did it.

"Ugh, I'm exhausted" Linhardt groaned.

Caspar frowned at him, "What?! You hardly even fought, how are you even tired?" he questioned.

Linhardt ignored him, "I think magic drains energy Caspar" Bernadetta butted in and looked to Byleth "Right Lady Byleth?" she asked.

She nodded, "Yes it does" she confirmed "You all should rest... I'm going to look around and check out the damage" she sighed.

"Are you sure that is wise Lady Byleth?" Ferdinand questioned "There may still be bandits around, and... It might not be wise this was your home... And to see it in such a state" he trailed off.

Byleth shook her head, "Worry not Ferdinand" she sighed "I have my blade, and... I need to see it" she said softly "I'll be back shortly, and we can figure out what our next course of action is from here" she concluded then began to walk further into the monastery.

Her home...

It was a mess.

She sighed and kept walking through the grounds, there were piles of rubble and debris scattered around. The student dormitories appeared to have been ransacked, she peaked in a few rooms, the mattresses were strewn, and the drawers were pulled out.

Byleth kept going and climbed up the stairs till she reached the third floor of the monastery. The door to Grandmother's room was ripped off of its hinges but it didn't look like anything was disturbed as it was down in the student areas. The drawers were pulled, and it looked like it had been ransacked slightly, but nowhere near as bad.

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