A Plea to the Alliance:

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Byleth had hoped that with Lord Rodrigue at the monastery it would make Dimitri more inclined to change his path, but... That didn't seem to be happening.

A couple of weeks passed and Byleth had even seen Rodrigue start to look burnt out.

Byleth felt bad over it, but she understood his pain.

She smiled weakly at Rodrigue and nodded her head understandingly, "He'll come around Lord Rodrigue" she said.

The Duke nodded his head, "I believe so too" Rodrigue replied then paused for a moment, "Lady Byleth... There is something I must ask of you" he began "Will you spare me a moment?" he questioned.

Byleth nodded, "Of course Lord Rodrigue" she replied "You don't need to ask" she added.

The older man chuckled, "You are very much like your Father" he laughed. She... She was? "In any case, I have to ask should anything happen to me, please help guide His Highness back to the right path" he said.

She looked down to the floor, "I have tried Rodrigue" she said softly "I... I think you overestimate my influence" she sighed then shook her head and looked at him "But regardless I will always try to guide Dimitri down the right path" she declared.

Rodrigue smiled at her, "You have my gratitude Lady Byleth" he said "Faerghus is lucky to have you looking out for it" he concluded.

"I just wish there were more that I could do" Byleth sighed "I understand Dimitri's drive for wishing to go to Enbarr, but it feels like we are betraying the people of Faerghus" she murmured.

Rodrigue nodded, "Yes... I know, but all we can do is wait for His Highness to realize it" he replied.

Yeah... That was true.

"Thank you, Lord Rodrigue," Byleth said.

"Of course," he replied "You will make a fine Queen when the time comes Lady Byleth, do not forget that" he concluded then left her alone to mull over his words.

Would she?

Honestly... Byleth didn't anticipate that happening, but then again, she never anticipated actually becoming the Archbishop either. And yet here they are.

But... When the war was over and done with... Would Byleth and Dimitri... No, there's no use thinking things like that.

She loves him.

And he...

Byleth frowned slightly, well she doesn't know anymore.

Now isn't the time to think of such frivolous things, people are dying every day in this war. Her goal should be on them, not such selfish things.

Byleth sighed then left from the entrance hall she had much she needed to do today.

She was supposed to speak with Uncle, but she'd been distracted by Lord Rodrigue.

He had mentioned something about trying to get the Alliance on board with their war effort. It would be smart to have them, they would have more numbers to then take on the Empire. But she's getting ahead of herself.

They need to first get their help. But she also doesn't see why Claude wouldn't help them, after all the Empire is a threat to them as well. From what she's heard, House Riegan has been in a tough spot lately due to conflict with House Gloucester over their allegiance to the Empire.

She doubted Claude wanted to side with Edelgard, so they would be their best bet in a fight against the Empire.

Byleth knocked lightly on Uncle's office door.

There was no response. She frowned slightly and opened the door, to her surprise he wasn't there.

She could have sworn that he asked to meet with her here today, right?

Yeah, no she was fairly certain of it.

"Lady Byleth". She turned and saw Gilbert walking her way, "Seteth told me to retrieve you" he began "We are meeting in the Cardinal's room" he said then walked away.


Wait, we?

Oh, so they were going to get Dimitri's input on this as well. Byleth sighed, this might go bad. But hopefully he'll at least see the necessity of getting Claude's help.

Sure, enough Dimitri sat in his chair with his arms crossed at Uncle, "So, what is this about?" Dimitri questioned in a gruff voice once Byleth took her seat.

Uncle opened his mouth to speak but Gilbert beat him to it. "Your Highness, Seteth and I have been talking and we think that it is wise to seek out the help of the Alliance" he declared.

Dimitri was silent for a moment then shook his head, "No, we don-".

"Yes, we do Dimitri" Byleth butted in "Think about it, where are we going to have to pass in order to get into the Empire with our military force" she said.

"The Great Bridge of Myrddin" Gilbert replied.

Byleth nodded, "Exactly and do you know whose territory borders that bridge Dimitri?" she said "Lord Gloucester, and he's an Empire supporter so we need all the help that we can get" she concluded.

Dimitri let out an annoyed grunt then shook his head slowly, "Fine" he muttered "So long as it leads to Edelgard's head I have no problem with it then" he said.

Byleth stared at him for a moment, he... Agreed? She hadn't anticipated that. She expected at least more of a fight when it came to it, ah no she should just be happy about it.

She smiled at Dimitri, "You're making a good choice Dimitri" she said "With Claude's help I don't doubt that we will be more of a force to reckon with" she declared.

Dimitri frowned slightly and looked away from her gaze, "Tsk, we don't need Claude for that" he muttered "But if it eases your mind fine, whatever" he said and crossed his arms.

Uhh. Alright then?

Byleth tilted her head slightly, "It does" she replied "We will need all the help we can get since we will have to take Myrddin bridge first" she said.

"Yes, I heard you already" Dimitri muttered "We need Claude's help" he mocked then shook his head, "Perhaps you should have married him instead" he snapped.

Byleth narrowed her eyes at him, "Uncle, Gilbert will you please leave" she said, and the two men rushed out of the room. "What's your problem Dimitri?" she questioned.

Dimitri scoffed in response, "We don't need their help" he said sternly "If you wanted an excuse to join Claude's army perhaps you should have gone there instead" he concluded.

Gone there instead? What the hell is he going on about? Byleth stared at him for a moment, "Do you want me to leave for the Alliance, Dimitri? Is that it?" she questioned then shook her head, "I am merely saying that we need their help and you are suggesting that I want to marry Claude" she said sternly "I am sorry you aren't pleased with our marriage Dimitri, if you wish we can ask Lady Rhea to annul it once we find her but until then you are stuck with me, whether you like it or not" she declared.

Dimitri's eye widened, "Fine, I don't care" he muttered "You're just a distraction from my goal" he added.

A lump formed in Byleth's throat, "Alright then" she murmured and stood up from the table and walked to the door but stopped before she opened it and turned to Dimitri, "One day this war is going to end, Your Highness" she said quietly "It may not seem like it right now, but one day the Empire will be nothing but a sour memory" Byleth said and paused for a moment "I hope you are smarter with the others and realize it's best not to burn all your bridges" she concluded and left from the room.

Goddess... She's a failure.

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