To Faerghus:

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They had been traveling for a few hours now.

Byleth hadn't anticipated that it would be this cold the moment they crossed into Faerghus; it was maybe two times colder than Garreg Mach was.

"Ah, Byleth I forgot to mention we will be spending the night in a nearby noble's territory" Rhea said.

Byleth nodded, "Whose?" she asked.

Rhea smiled, "Count Charon" she said "I believe you are familiar with his daughter, right?" she added.


Byleth's eyes widened, "Really, we'll be staying there?!" she questioned.

Rhea nodded, "Yes, but just for the night" she said "Tomorrow we will ride to Fraldarius territory and Duke Fraldarius will ride with us to the Kingdom capital" she added then paused for a moment "I believe his eldest will accompany us as well" she added.


"I see" Byleth murmured "How far are we from Charron territory?" she asked.

Rhea smiled softly, "A couple of hours, we'll be there by dusk at the latest" she added.

The ride was long.

It wasn't difficult in any way, well aside from it being cold. It was just hard to be cooped inside of a carriage for so long, as much as she wanted to see around Fodlan she didn't like the idea of having to be stuck inside of a carriage to do so.

The sun was beginning to set as they reached Charon estate, the count met them at the entrance of their property and walked them to their family home.

"Your Grace" Count Charon said and bowed "I am honored to host both you and Lady Byleth for the evening" he said "And I must give my gratitude as well, Cassandra told me that you saved her life your Grace, I am forever in your debt" he added.

Grandmother smiled, "Worry not Count Charron" she said "Cassandra was our responsibility, it was my duty" she added.

The Count smiled, "Regardless you have my thanks" he said then turned to Byleth "Cassandra has spoken of you much young one" he said "I look forward to seeing how you grow as well" he added.

Byleth bowed, "Thank you" she said "And thank you for your hospitality" she added.

The Count smiled "I believe Cassandra is at our training grounds, with the Gaspard boy" Count Charon said.

"Ah, Lord Lonato is here I take?" Lady Rhea asked.

The Count nodded, "Indeed".

Rhea placed a hand on Byleth's shoulder, "Go ahead dear" she said

Byleth nodded and went off in search of the training grounds.

Charon estate was very different from the monastery, there weren't nuns and priests everywhere, although there was the occasional maid. Not to mention the décor of their home was different as well but that was to be expected since Faerghus has different styles than they do.

It wasn't long before she heard the clashing sounds of swords, she peered into the room and saw the sight of her friend sparing against an older boy.

Byleth watched them and it wasn't long before the older boy was able to overpower Cassandra.

"Dammit!" Cassandra shouted as she tossed her training sword onto the ground "I almost had you that time" she added.

The older boy shook his head, "I'm afraid not Cassandra" he said and glanced over to the door frame where Byleth was lingering "Ah, we have an audience I see" he said and headed over to her.

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