Night Endeavor:

558 21 2

Byleth led them through the monastery quietly. 

The cold of the stone prickled against the soles of her feet, why didn't she think to put her shoes on?

She could already imagine the lecture she would receive from Uncle Seteth or Grandmother from her being in such a state.

"Byleth?" Glenn whispered, "Where are we going?" he asked.

"By the sauna" Byleth replied quietly "There is an entrance nearby there" she added.

Her stomach was churning, perhaps this really is a bad idea...

"What do you think we'll see down there?" Sylvain asked quietly.

"I bet there are monsters down there," Glenn whispered excitedly.

Byleth frowned, was that even a possibility?

Sweet Sothis is she bringing them to their dooms?

"There is no way Lady Rhea would allow monsters in the monastery" Sylvain said

Ah, that was true. There was no way Grandmother would allow that.

Glenn frowned, "I was just kidding" he sighed while shaking his head.

They walked the rest of the way in silence till they finally reached the little path hidden by the sauna.

"Um, do you think we will get in trouble?" Sylvain asked.

"Obviously" Glenn said, "But only if we get caught" he added.

Sylvain was quiet for a moment, "What are the chances of us getting caught?" he asked.

Byleth opened her mouth to answer but was cut off by a loud voice, "Who goes there?!".

Glenn grabbed both Byleth and Sylvain's hands "Come on!" He whispered and began running into the tunnel dragging them along with him.

Byleth isn't sure exactly how long they have been running for, but eventually they stop to catch their breath.

And it hits Byleth.

They are in the Abyss.

"It smells funny in here," Sylvain said in a muffled voice.

"And it's dark," Glenn said.

"Perhaps we should go back?" Byleth suggested.

"No!" Glenn shouted "We just got here; we aren't cowards" he added.

"Are you sure Glenn?" Sylvain asked in a small voice.

Glenn laughed, "Of course" he said, "We are from Faerghus a dark tunnel is nothing to us" he added proudly, "Now come on, let's explore" he declared and continued dragging them along.

Glenn led them through many twists and turns in the Abyss, there were some parts that they could see in when they ran into the occasional torch. Other times they saw people lying on the floors, asleep and the ones who were awake asked for spare coins. With the exception of the one that chased them.

Byleth was certain that they were going to die here.

"Glenn, I think we should try to find our way back," Byleth said softly.

Glenn froze, "Um, I don't want to worry either of you" he began "But I have been trying to find the path back and..." he trailed off.

Goddess no, Byleth should have known better.

"So, we're lost?" Sylvain squeaked out.

Glenn nodded, "Yeah, pretty much" he said casually.

Byleth felt the blood drain from her face.

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