Mother Dearest:

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Their walk back to the monastery was a solemn one.

Claude's word haunted her mind, was it truly such a good idea trusting Yuri? After all he did just betray all of them. But... It's her duty to the Church of Seiros.

Byleth screwed up so she must right her wrong.

"Byleth" Dimitri called out, concern was etched on his face "Would you like me to join you in speaking to Lady Rhea?" he asked.

A tempting offer but, this is her wrong to right, not Dimitri's. She shook her head, "It's alright Dimitri" she sighed "I appreciate the offer, but I must face the consequences of my mistakes" Byleth concluded.

The Prince's eyebrows were furrowed, "Byleth... You don't have to face it alone".

How sweet.

But she did.

"I do Dimitri" Byleth hummed lightly "I messed up, I lost the Chalice and now I must remedy my mistake" she said and pushed open the door to the Audience chambers, "Worry not Dimitri" she concluded and let the door shut promptly behind her.

Grandmother stood in her spot as she normally did as Byleth walked over to her, "Byleth" she began but Byleth cut her off.

"I apologies" Byleth blurted out "I overestimated us and lost the Chalice Grandmother" she began "Please allow me to rectify the situation" she concluded.

Grandmother stood there silently for a moment then chuckled, "Sweet child you did nothing wrong" she hummed.

Uhh. Had she not been paying attention?

Byleth stood there for a moment, frowning at Lady Rhea, "Grandmother, it is my fault we lost the Chalice I should have known better that Aelfric was behind this" she said sternly.

Grandmother smiled at her, "Byleth, dear you did your part perfectly" she said calmly "I suppose there is no harm telling you know but I have known for a while Aelfric was planning something".

"You knew he intended to harvest them for their blood?" Byleth questioned, why... Why would she allow this to happen?

"No, I didn't" Grandmother confessed "I just knew he was plotting, and now we must stop him" she began "Byleth you will lead the others and rescue the Ashen Wolves, that is an order".

Byleth nodded, "Yes... I won't let you down Grandmother" she replied.

Lady Rhea smiled, "Good" she hummed "Now go, you must prepare the others". she commanded.

With a nod Byleth turned and left from the Audience chambers. So, Yuri... He really wasn't on Aelfric's side? And this was all just an elaborate plan that got messy and complicated. But... That doesn't matter, all that matters is that they save the Ashen Wolves before it is too late.


Waiting was nerve racking the Monastery was practically empty all forces were helping the towns fend off the bandits and heal those who were wounded from the battle.

The night air felt cool on her skin as they walked over the bridge to the cathedral. It was almost time. What awaited them in the Holy Tomb, Byleth wasn't sure but a battle would ensue, no doubt.

There was one thing that was left bothering Byleth, why did Aelfric need the Chalice of Beginnings? Who was he trying to revive?

"It's almost time" Edelgard called out in a hushed tone.

Byleth nodded, "Indeed" she sighed "Everyone, be careful we don't know what we will be up against with Aelfric" she added.

"I think we can take him Byleth" Claude laughed "He looked like a weak mage" he added.

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