The Prospects of Friendship:

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"Lady Byleth" a voice called out.

Byleth immediately shot up in her bed and looked to see one of the nuns.

"Yes?" Byleth asked.

The nun shifted around uncomfortably for a moment, "Lady Rhea has requested your presence in Seteth's office" she said.

Byleth frowned, this early in the morning? And her Grandmother normally didn't meet with her till at least the afternoon. "Did she say what this is about?" Byleth asked.

The nun's face went pale and she shook her head, "Go there as soon as you are dressed Lady Byleth" she concluded then left from the room.

Oh, sweet Sothis.

Byleth isn't sure how but Grandmother must have found out.

Aelfric said he wouldn't tell, is it possible that he lied about keeping it a secret?

Maybe... That was always a possibility.

Byleth got up and slowly got dressed, how would Grandmother react? She had never really seen her angry before, perhaps she would just get scolded and that was it? Although that seemed like wishful thinking if Byleth were being honest.

Would her Uncle be there as well? If Grandmother didn't scold her Uncle Seteth would without a doubt.

Byleth sat on her bed for a moment and sighed, she really shouldn't have gone down into the Abyss. She went against all of her better judgement and look where it got her.

Well for all she knew Grandmother didn't know, maybe it was just some news about something else? Like turmoil in the Adrestrian Empire or something? Or maybe the Count from the Alliance was visiting again?


Byleth's stomach churned, there is no use stalling the inevitable. She stood up and left her room to go to Uncle Seteth's office.

It was the longest walk of her life.

Byleth stood outside of the door for a moment then knocked.

"Come in" Seteth's voice rang out.

Oh, sweet Sothis he sounded upset.

Byleth opened the door and walked in.

"Close the door" Rhea said, and Byleth complied.

"Grandmother, Uncle Seteth..." Byleth squeaked out

Grandmother furrowed her eyebrows at her, "Dear, are you feeling alright?" she asked "You look pale take a seat" she said and gestured to a chair at the opposite side of Seteth's desk. "We have good news Byleth'' Rhea said.

Byleth sat down, "Good news?" she recited. She still feared that they knew, they had to know.

Seteth nodded, "Yes, good news" he said "My younger Sister will be paying a visit to the monastery for a couple of weeks" he added.

Byleth frowned, "Uncle you have a Sister?" she asked "Why is this the first you have spoken of her?" she questioned.

"You never asked," Seteth rebutted.

That... Was a fair point.

"I see" Byleth murmured "My apologies then" she said.

Uncle Seteth chuckled, "Worry not young one" he said "My sister is quite young, I am certain the two of you will be fast friends" he added.

Byleth's eyes widened at the prospect of a new friend, "Really?" she asked.

Seteth nodded, "Indeed" he said.

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