The King's Visit:

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A week passed by as quickly as it came.

Turned out her Father was right; it would take the King and his men a week to get here. Byleth thought it was a bit weird that he got the timing precise but maybe it has something to do with the wisdom of elders?

Grandmother is always saying to listen to older monks and nuns, that they carry insight that Byleth will need in the future. But in all honesty, Byleth isn't exactly sure of the accuracy of that, there are some nuns that will tell Byleth about the randomest things. So, she isn't entirely sure what to make of their insight.

Anyways that is digressing from the point.

The King has arrived.


Byleth stood beside Grandmother and Uncle Seteth anxiously waiting for the King's carriage to roll up to the gates of Garreg Mach.

"Byleth dear" Grandmother said softly, "Please don't fidget around" she added.

Byleth nodded then stood as still as she could.

"Did the Prince come alongside his Father?" Seteth asked Rhea.

Rhea shook her head, "No, he is still too young" she said.

"I suppose so" Seteth said "A shame Byleth won't meet him this time around" he added.

Rhea nodded her head, "Indeed" she said.

The two of them carried on with their small talk for what felt like hours. "Is that them?" Byleth finally asked when she saw the shape of something beginning to form in the distance.

Grandmother squinted in that direction, "It is" Rhea said "Now Byleth, remember it is important to make a good impression on the children" she said "You will be seeing a lot of them in the future" she added.

Byleth felt her excitement slowly fade away.

It was replaced with the anxiety of her ruining the relationship between the Church and the Kingdom.

Seteth put a hand on Byleth's shoulder and looked down at her with a less serious expression than he normally has. "Don't worry Byleth, you will be fine" Uncle Seteth said "They will enjoy your company" he added then paused for a moment. "I have an idea, why not take them to the training grounds to practice with you and Cassandra" Seteth suggested.

Byleth frowned slightly, "Are you sure they would like that?" Byleth asked.

Seteth nodded his head, "Yes, I am quite certain, they will enjoy it" he said confidently "In Faerghus they value strength and battle prowess" he added. "So, there's really no better way to make their friendship than through sparring" Seteth concluded.

Rhea chuckled, "Seteth is right dear" she said.

Byleth smiled up at Seteth and nodded, "Thank you Uncle Seteth" she hummed "I think I will try that then" she added.

"Here they are," Rhea said as the King's carriage came to a stop at the gates of Garreg Mach.

Byleth's stomach was churning, she feared for a moment she might just throw up her lunch on the cobblestone.

Dear goddess no.

That is the last thing she needs to do right now.

The door to the carriage before them slowly opened, and a tall blonde man stepped out.

He was wearing ornate armor, that was with adorned blue accents to contrast the white and silvers of his armor. And to top it off he dragged behind him a long deep blue cape.

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