The Disowned Son of House Gautier:

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Byleth found Jeralt standing in front of a headstone in the cemetery at Garreg Mach. She had been told that he wished to speak with her, and so in search of him she was scouring the monastery till she found him.

Her heels crunched on the grass below her feet, and he turned to her "Hey Kid" Jeralt said softly, it didn't have his usual upbeat tone. Silence fell over them for a couple of seconds "I heard what happened" he sighed and shook his head, "I am sorry you had to go through that Kid..." he began "I wanted to bring you to her... Or well where she should be" he murmured and shook his head once again "This is here humble grave".

Byleth nodded and looked at the gravestone. Time had taken its toll on it, her whole life she'd lived here and not once had she ever been to her mother's grave. "What was she like?" Byleth asked.

A small smile fell over Jeralt's face, and he took a seat in the grass and beckoned for Byleth to sit with him, and so she did.

"She was gentle, and smart... Goddess she was terribly smart" Jeralt chuckled softly "A wonderful cook, and she was kind to everyone she came across" he hummed then paused for a moment, "She loved flowers, Whenever I brought her back an unusual flower her face would light up" he reminisced then sighed. "I cherish those memories, I can't tell you how many times she made me happy by simply smiling" Jeralt said softly "And she smiled most, when she was pregnant with you" he began "She loved you with all her heart. That's the truest thing I know... Never forget it" he declared and fell silent for a moment and shuffled, with his pouch then pulled something out.

A ring?

"This ring is the only keepsake I have of her" Jeralt said softly "In time it will be yours" he lifted the ring over for Byleth to look at it, instead of a single gemstone in the center it formed a flower out of the precious stone. "One day I hope you'll give this ring to someone you love as much as I love her" he began "I know you have expectations... But I only hope to give you this to cling to, don't marry because Lady Rhea wants you to, do it because you want to. Whether it is or isn't his Highness" he concluded.

Byleth was silent, "Do I really have the right to do what I wish?" she asked, looking to her Father.

Jeralt nodded, "Yes" he said without hesitation "If you end up falling in love with Dimitri, hell that's great then marry him. But if you don't, then don't" he began "Your life has been dictated long enough by Lady Rhea and the others of the Church, this is your choice Kid" he said then laughed "And I'm not telling you to run off and get hitched at this very moment, these things take time. All I am saying is no matter your choice I will support you" he added, "Heh, and if Lady Rhea doesn't approve, we'll run off and become mercenaries, what do you say?" he chuckled.

Byleth smiled, "Thank you Father" she said softly "I appreciate it" she added.

Jeralt chuckled and ruffled her hair, "Yeah, yeah" he replied and stood up "Come on I'm certain your other students have missed you" he said "I'd hate for you to keep them waiting".

Byleth stood up and nodded, right. Her other students. Everything goes back to normal now, she's relieved by that fact "I'll see you later Father" she said then took off.

She's kept her students waiting long enough.


"Professor!" Annette cheered as the Blue Lions entered the training grounds after their class with Uncle Seteth "We're glad to have you back!" she beamed.

Mercedes nodded, "Yes! It wasn't the same... Seteth isn't as proficient with magic as you are" she hummed.

"Also, he doesn't look as great as y-" Sylvain began but stopped once Ingrid's hand met the back of his head, "Oww, what was that for?".

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