The Holy Mausoleum:

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The Rite of Rebirth was drawing closer.

Byleth was certain that Dimitri and her had come up with the correct guess for what the true target for that day was. As odd as it seemed there was nothing else that made sense.

But honestly, bones?!

Who even wants bones?!

Why would they want them would probably be the better question.

It infuriated Byleth to no extent, but... The only thing they could do is wait for the day to come to find out.

Byleth sighed and got out of bed.

"So impatient" Sothis huffed.

Byleth frowned, "Easy for you to say, you are able to sleep till then" she replied.

"I would have thought being raised in a church would have taught you better manners" Sothis rebutted.

Byleth ignored her comment and got dressed, then rushed down to the dining hall.

Fortunately, there weren't too many students that had come here so early on in the day. There was one from the Golden Deer class, she didn't know his name.

Of her own class she often found Ingrid here every morning, Byleth couldn't blame her. The food is excellent.

As Byleth grabbed her food and went to sit down. She saw her student waving her down to join her.

"Good morning Ingrid," Byleth greeted as she sat across from her.

"Good morning Professor" Ingrid replied and began digging into her food.

A few minutes passed by as they ate their food in a content silence before they were interrupted, "Lady Byleth".

She looked up and saw Ferdinand heading towards them, "Yes?" she asked.

Ferdinand sat down beside her, "I would like to thank you" he began "I spoke with Bernadetta the other day, well... Technically for the first time without her running away from me in fear" he laughed and shook his head lightly. "In fact, she thanked me for my service the other night" Ferdinand said "While I am sad to have lost a fellow classmate, perhaps the Blue Lions is where she can grow".

"Thank you, Ferdinand, I hope to help her grow as well" Byleth replied "The offer to join the Blue Lions stands to you as well Ferdinand" she added.

Ferdinand shook his head, "I appreciate the offer, but I think I shall remain for now" he said "Ferdinand Von Aegir cannot be swayed so easily" he added.

"Of course, not" Byleth said, "The offer stands should you ever change your mind".

Ferdinand nodded, "Thank you Lady Byleth"

"Professor, does this mean you are swaying students from other classes to join ours now?" Ingrid asked.

Hmm. Was she?

"I don't think so" Byleth replied "If I think they would fit in well with our class then yes, I guess it all depends" she said then paused for a moment, "Truthfully I don't know much about the students for the other classes, so I can't say for certain that I would be trying swaying them either" she added.

Now that she thought about it, perhaps it would be smart to get to know the other students.

"If you intend to lure students to your class, be sure to keep this away from the house leaders" Ferdinand said "I don't think Edelgard was too thrilled".

"I don't see Claude as the type to care if his classmates leave" Ingrid added.

Byleth nodded "I guess we'll just have to steal them away from the Golden Deer" she hummed.

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