A Celebration:

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"You did it Byleth" Dimitri shouted from behind her, she turned to face him. There was a wide toothy grin plastered on his face.

Byleth shook her head, "We all did it" she replied "I am certain I wouldn't have been able to do it had you not fought against Edelgard first" she added.

Dimitri chuckled, "You're selling yourself short Byleth" he said "But regardless I am glad that we won" he added.

"I can't believe you just fought me without any remorse Byleth" Claude shouted from further away on the battlefield.

He approached Byleth and Dimitri with Edelgard at his side, "I must admit you both surprised me out there as well" Edelgard sighed "Well done" she added.

Dimitri nodded, "Yes, we all did well out there" he said politely "Wouldn't you say Byleth?".

Byleth nodded, "Yes, you both fought well," she confirmed.

"Is that so?" Claude replied "Any how I'm in no hurry to get on the bad side of either one of you" he laughed.

Edelgard shook her head, "Really? I would take the challenge any day" she declared.

Dimitri grimaced and shook his head in disapproval, "That is not something to joke about" he scolded "It's best to leave the true battle of the Eagle and Lion to the past" he declared.

Claude nodded his head slowly, "I'm glad you feel that way your Princeliness" he began "Because I have a proposition, our three classes gather together for a night of festivities in the dining hall" he said "We'll tear down the walls between our classes with this feast, what do you all say?" he asked.

Edelgard's eyebrows were furrowed, "Hm, I suppose no harm can come from it" she sighed and shook her head "You really value this sort of thing don't you Claude?" she added.

Dimitri nodded, "I have no objections to it either" he said then looked to Byleth "Do you?" he asked.

Byleth shook her head and smiled at Claude, "I look forward to it" she declared.

Claude chuckled, "Yeah, yeah" he said "Well I'll see you all there then" he concluded then left from them.

Edelgard simply left without a word.

"Byleth" Dimitri said softly.

She turned and looked at him, "Yes?" she replied.

There was a faint pink coloring on his cheeks, "You look so... happy. I love seeing you like this" he said bashfully.

Byleth was unsure what to say, she broke the eye contact that they held. He liked seeing her happy? She felt heat rise to her face, "Thank you Dimitri" she murmured "We... Should get going" she added.

The Prince nodded, "Yes...".


A knock sounded on Byleth's room door.

It was followed by the door being swung open, "You know Flayn, when you knock it's normally customary to wait until you are invited in" Byleth scolded then turned to the younger girl.

Flayn shook her head, "Drastic times call for drastic measures" she declared "You were taking too long to change, and here I find you resting" she added.

Byleth shrugged, "I wanted some time to myself before the festivities began" she retorted "It's going to be loud there" she sighed.

Flayn sighed and sat down on Byleth's bed beside her, "It is, but... I have also never seen the three houses having a joint celebration" she said "It's quite something".

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