The Fall:

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Flayn's eyebrows were furrowed as she sat on the edge of Byleth's bed thinking over what Byleth just told her. "So, you... Intend to disobey Lady Rhea's command?" Flayn whispered even though they were hidden in the privacy of Byleth's room.

Byleth pinched the bridge of her nose, "Not, exactly" she began "I am going to leave like she asked "But I intend to sneak back" she concluded.

Flayn didn't look convinced, thank the goddess that Byleth has Divine Pulse should the situation call for it. "Isn't that essentially the same thing?" Flayn retorted "Are you sure it is wise to do such a thing... If Lady Rhea finds out,  she will no doubt be furious" she added.

"I know Flayn" Byleth sighs "But... It is my duty to protect Garreg Mach, not flee at the first sign of trouble" she said "I know that going to Fhirdiad and marrying Dimitri is important... But so is helping defend the monastery" she murmured.

Flayn was silent for a moment then sighed, "I understand" she began "That is the same way I felt about Rhodos Coast, and you helped me go" she murmured "I will do whatever I can to help you Byleth!" she declared.

Byleth chuckled softly, "Thank you Flayn, I greatly appreciate it" she replied "I must ask that you keep this a secret please?" she asked.

The green- haired girl nodded, "Of course" she said, "You have my word" she hummed then paused for a moment "But I must ask... What do you have planned?" she questioned "You will have to find a way to sneak away from not only Uncle, but the Blue Lions, and His Highness" she remarked "That is a daunting task no doubt" she concluded.

"Yes... It will be" Byleth sighed "But I have a general idea of what I could do... Which will involve me... Um, borrowing Uncle's Wyvern" she replied.

Flayn chuckled, "Hm, yes I see and how do you anticipate actually flying a Wyvern, Byleth?" she questioned "You have never attempted to fly before" she added.

Byleth sighed, "I have read a book about flying but... I'm not certain that I can get help from Uncle without arising suspicion" she said.

Flayn nodded, "Wait... Who says it has to be from Uncle?" she began "You can always learn from the knights or... Ah! The Golden Deer's leader rides a Wyvern, you can ask him for tips" she suggested.


That... Wasn't a bad suggestion actually.

"You're a genius Flayn" Byleth proclaimed and stood up from her bed "I'll go find him at once, thank you" she hummed.

Flayn chuckled and stood up from the bed, "Of course" she replied and left from Byleth's room.

Asking Claude for help... There was no doubt in her mind she would have to elaborate on why she was needing his assistance, but... In a weird way she trusted Claude to keep this a secret. He didn't seem the type to wish to burn bridges by selling her out.

Or... Maybe that was just her hope at least.

Claude was in the Golden Deer class when she found him, "Well if it isn't her future Highness, congratulations on your engagement by the way" he began "What do I owe the pleasure of this visit" he added.

Byleth nodded, "Straight to the point, I appreciate it" she hummed "I'll cut to the chase as well" she began "I need your help, I wish to learn how to fly a Wyvern and I hear you know how to" she said "So, I must ask will you give me the basic run down of it?".

Claude nodded his head lightly and stared at her, "Hmm, I'm not sure" he murmured "His Highness seems... Volatile at the moment. I don't want to do anything that will get him to lash out on me" he hummed "But... I suppose I can make an exception for you... Should you tell me what you're planning" he concluded.

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