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A knock sounded on her room door, "Just a moment Flayn" Byleth called out as she gathered her weapons and supplies that she would be needing as they traveled to Faerghus.

Honestly... She never expected that they would actually be going there, Byleth figured they would die before they even reached Enbarr.

But here they were, going to reclaim Fhirdiad.

Byleth was proud that Dimitri was trying to right his wrongs, rather than keep them on the path of destruction.

She finally finished packing her things then went to open the door to let Flayn in, except...

It wasn't Flayn.

Dimitri stood there at the doorway.

"Oh" Byleth said in surprise, "I thought that you were Flayn, but I suppose that makes sense now since she would have just let herself in" she hummed.

A weak smile grew on his lips, "Ah, sorry" Dimitri murmured "I... I wished to speak with you before we left" he said.

Byleth nodded and moved out of the way so he could enter the room, "Ok... Is something wrong?" she asked.

Dimitri shook his head, "No... I wished to apologize to you Byleth-".

"Hmm... I see" Byleth murmured "Don't worry about it Dimitri" she added.

He hung his head and looked at the floor, "I behaved horribly to you Byleth... Should you wish to... End things between us, I would understand" Dimitri said in a low voice then looked up at her.


So that's what this is about. It had lingered in the back of her mind for a while now... But... No, now isn't the time. "Perhaps we should discuss at a later time Dimitri, we are going to leave for Fhirdiad soon" she replied.

His face fell slightly, "Ah... You're right" he said and rubbed at the back of his head awkwardly "My apologies Byleth" he concluded and fled from her room.

Why does she feel as though she just chose the worst answer possible?

For a brief moment she considered using Divine Pulse to redo that, but she could imagine Sothis chiding her for using it for such things.


Byleth will speak with him about it later, she supposed it served him right to suffer for a bit after everything.

Despite what she told him... There is still a part of her that is a tad bit resentful. But... He is trying his best to right his wrong, so she can try as well.

In a couple of days, that is.

For now, he suffers.

The Gremlin would agree with her on it, Byleth is certain.

Or maybe she would scold Byleth, eh.

It's fine.

Byleth grabs her supplies and heads for the stables. It wasn't long before the rest of their men arrived, and they set off.

First, they needed to go to Charon territory. Count Charon was providing them with soldiers and supplies, and House Gautier was assisting in the effort as well.

The Margrave Gautier was sending his men to Fhirdiad to help the fight against Cornelia.

Everything was going to go smoothly, and then Fhirdiad... No all of Faerghus will be free from Cornelia.


"So Byleth... Wouldn't you say His Highness cleans up nice?" Sylvain called out as they rode beside each other.

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